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Do you think they could swim fourteen thousand miles?" "Well how ? Oh, I forgot! It is so hard to remember about Time- travelling here! Oh, Prue, how exciting it is!" At that moment Dick looked round and saw his sister. Both boys came racing along the sand towards the girls, kicking up their heels like young colts. "Cheerio!" cried Dick, as he pranced up. "What price school! How's this for a rag?

In their front The sacred banner of the blacksmith waved; Bright scimitars were brandished in the air; Beneath them pranced their steeds, all armed for fight, And so incased in iron were the chiefs From top to toe, their eyes were only seen.

Beside pranced two Airedales and a white Sealyham and to their babel of barking was added the shrill, sympathetic note of five or six Pekingese, one of which Mrs. Crowninshield carried under her arm. "Hush, Achilles!" she cried. "Hush, all of you! Stop your racket this instant! They are excited at being together again," explained she to Walter who had approached.

She is over there coaxing Cleo," and with a risky flourish of her red tie, a hop, skip and a jump, the Tenderfoot pranced across the big green schoolyard, in a fashion that belied her limitations on the tenderfoot basis. "Yes, I'll go," Cleo was agreeing, "but I am afraid we can't get Captain Clark. I know she is going out to Kingsley to form a troop. Maybe we can get Lieutenant Lindsley.

The mild Dolly was really startled and jerked up her head and pranced about in a very realistic manner indeed, and it took some patting and coaxing to get her quieted. "Now, look at that, Christine!" cried Tilly, who was not in the play, and had screamed quite spontaneously. "Well," cried Bell, coming forward nobly with her part, "that settles it for me.

With a sheepish grin he sat astride of Jack Benson's back as the latter stood on all fours. "Go ahead with your ride, General," called Mr. Merriam. Jack pranced as best he could, on all fours, Hal making the load of his own weight as light as he could. Over the ground the pair moved in this nonsensical ride, the cadets following and grinning their appreciation of the nonsense.

"Ho, that so? Well, then, just keep this and buy the kiddies some Christmas," said Mr. Starr, handing the man a dollar. A whole dollar for a present meant more to this man out in the wilderness than a hundred dollars would to one in the city. The box was set up in front of Mr. Starr's feet in the cutter, and the horses pranced away with sleigh-bells jingling like a veritable Santa Claus!

Never have the horses acted this way." And indeed fear seized them all. They saw the hand of God in this strange obstinancy of their beasts. Even Kimberker cried the pursuit. "Fear God!" he said. "For this is no common mishap!" And when they turned the horses' heads again toward Vienna, the animals snorted and pranced and went very willingly.

Herbert le Poor, late rival candidate for the See, also pranced alongside with all the importance of a great functionary, whose archidiaconal duty it was to enthrone all bishops of the Province of Canterbury. For this duty he used to have the bishop's horse and trappings and much besides; but alas! the new man slept at St.

"Trying to make folks forget the nerviest quarterback that ever pranced down the turf with eleven men after him? Don't you do it. Besides, you can't. Why, that run of yours through the Reds has been immortalized in a whole library of kid story books, and they're still grinding 'em out!" Mallory turns the color of the candleshades and shakes his head.