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Updated: August 22, 2024

"And what the dickens are you doing aboard my ship?" asked Captain Dinks in an angry tone; but the others could see that he was half-laughing as he spoke. "Me want passage, sah, back home. Very bad peoples, sah, in Plymouth; tieve all poah niggah's money and make him drunk.

"But I always tell mothah everything," cried the Little Colonel, in surprise. "She would enjoy hearing the funny fortunes the old woman told us, and I'm suah if she knew how sick that poah baby is she'd send it something. She is always helpin' poah people." "But I have a special reason for keeping it a secret," urged Eugenia. "Promise not to say anything about it for awhile anyhow.

But who's dey dat you got on you min'?" "Why, de young Missy and de ole Missus to be sho'." "I don't see how dey can be poah. Dey mus' hab kep' someting out all dey had." "So dey did, but it wan't much, an' I jus' b'lebe it's clar dun gone!" "What! de plantation in Virginny all gone?"

Look at poah Nelly Bly, all wah-paint and feathahs, just as you fixed her up for a squaw that day we had an Indian massacre in the grape arbour. I had forgotten that we left her in such a fix!" "I'll never forget that day," answered Rob. "Don't you remember how sore I made my arm, trying to tattoo an anchor on it with a darning-needle and clothes bluing?

"I might a needed chastenin' in my youth, I don't 'spute that; but why should I now, a trim'lin' on the aidge of the tomb, almos', have to put up with that limb of a John Jay? If my poah Ellen knew what a tawment her boy is to her ole mammy, I know she couldn't rest easy in her grave." "John Jay, he don't mean to be bad," remarked Uncle Billy soothingly.

What is this new scheme that you wish to ask me about to-night?" "Mother dear, you know you like us to be charitable! You are always preaching er, I mean impressing upon us that we ought to remember the poah," said Christabel, standing up as stiff as a grenadier, and smiling at her mother in her most ingratiating manner.

She was now resting after the fatigues of the day, and the effort to get and dispose of a very substantial supper, and was puffing at her pipe in a meditative aspect. Evidently something unusual was on her mind, and she at last ejaculated, "I know dey'se poah." "Who's?" languidly queried Uncle Sheba. "Oh, you'd neber fin' out. Dey'd starve long o' you." "I dunno who dey is.

"I'se afeerd he's goin' to die," she muttered in alarm. "I sut'n'ly is. Poah little fellow: he's mighty tryin' to a body's patience sometimes, an' he's made a mess of this mendin', for suah, but I reckon he means all right. He's not so onthinkin' an' onthankful aftah all." She laid the spool and thimble on the window-sill, and folded her hands to rest awhile.

"Just think!" she exclaimed as she climbed into the carriage again. "A cawn-cob doll! And the attic at home is full of toys that I don't care for! I'm going to pick out a basketful to-morrow and bring them down to these children. And did you see that poah little Minnie Crisp? Only eight yeahs old, and doing the work of a grown woman. She was getting suppah while her mothah tended to the sick baby.

That woman's eyes were all red, an' her hair was jus' awful. She was so bony an' stahved-lookin'. It would jus' kill poah Papa Jack to lie on straw an' eat out of a tin pan. I know it would!" When Mom Beck opened the door, hunting her, the room was so dark that she would have gone away if the dog had not come running out from under the piano. "You heah, too, chile?" she asked, in surprise.

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