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Updated: November 6, 2024
"Only a basketful of the bee orchis, which I commissioned a little boy to bring from St. Vincent's rocks for my young botanists," said Mrs. Porett to Angelina: "you know the flower is so like a bee, that at first sight you might easily mistake it." Mrs. Porett, to convince Betty Williams that she had no cause for fear, went on before her into the hall; but Betty still hung back, crying
"Now," said Marjorie, as she sat with her chin in her hands, gazing proudly at the tableful of bottles, "it's dinner-time. Let's all go home, and then this afternoon, after we're dressed, let's come here and get the bottles, and each take a basketful, and go and sell them." "We'll all go together, won't we?" asked Stella, whose shyness stood sadly in the way of her being a successful saleswoman.
We will carry Maria a basketful of oranges to-morrow." The unhappy are indisposed to employment: all active occupations are wearisome and disgusting in prospect, at a time when everything, life itself, is full of weariness and disgust. Yet the unhappy must be employed, or they will go mad.
There was no telling maybe when the children came hame from school in the afternoon they wouldna be above picking a basketful, and taking it down to the inn. "But we want them now! We want as many as you can possibly spare, but we must have them to take back with us now!" "And who's to pick them for ye, I would ask?" demanded Mrs Forsyth with scathing directness.
Tenderly and with a beating heart Sandy recalled the old, old days the days when Martin sang, and prayed his wonderful prayers to a little happy child. Yes, they would go away together and then nothing would be quite so hard or impossible. Thus arranged, Sandy began his day. He sold his basketful at the first house a place five miles away where some strange artist-folks were boarding.
Millinery being one of her accomplishments, she prevailed upon the Queen to let her remodel her bonnet, which she did, principally by removing a small basketful of sombre weeds. The Queen saw through her little ruse and shook her head mournfully, but wore the bonnet. The next year London went still more mad over Garibaldi.
And before Layard removed a basketful of the earth that covered the palace of Shalmaneser at Nimroud, had not the Frenchman Botta disclosed the friezes and sphinxes of Sargon at Khorsabad; and in these late years is it not the Frenchman De Sarzec who has brought from Telloh to the Louvre the statues of Chaldean kings that lived almost five thousand years ago?
At length, I recommended that all of us, young and old, should join in saying the Rosary. We did; and before it was ended a woman came in, whose occupation was to deal in bread, and she had a basketful with her. I explained our condition to her, and asked her to give me some bread on credit.
Men who drink have everything against them when they get a severe wound; but he has lost a great deal of blood, and the shock has, of course, been a terrible one." An orderly was told to administer a few spoonfuls of brandy and water, and the surgeon then moved on to the next bed. The next morning, one of the surgeons brought a basketful of fruit to Terence.
Edna was sitting on the chintz-covered lounge, mending a basketful of the old man's clothes that needed numerous stitches and buttons, and, throwing aside her sewing materials, she rose to meet the travellers. At sight of her Gordon Leigh stopped suddenly and his face grew instantly as bloodless as her own. "Edna! Oh! how changed! What a wreck!"
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