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Updated: August 8, 2024

There are stenographers, film cutters and pasters, dozens of others, that I do not engage directly, and never see. Let me look at the card." Duvall handed the torn bit of pasteboard to him. "Not much to go on," he said, quietly. "No. Not much." "Of course," the detective went on, "the evening has not been entirely wasted. We know the woman by sight, and that is a great deal.

There's several high big churches at Saratoga, of every denomination, and likely folks belong to the hull on 'em: There is no danger of folks losin' their way to Heaven unless they want to, and they can go on their own favorite paths too, be they blue Presbyterian paths, or Methodist pasters, or by the Baptist boat, or the Episcopalian high way, or the Catholic covered way, or the Unitarian Broadway, or the Shadow road of Spiritualism.

Van Ostend talkin' 'bout him to one of the syndicaters mebbe they're goin' to work him in with them somehow; anyway, I guess Aurory don't begrutch him a little spendin' money seein' how easy it come out of the old sheep pasters. Who'd 'a' thought a streak of granite could hev made sech a stir!" "It's a stir that'll sink this town in the mud." Mr.

Watkins's assistant would see that the bunches were given to their friends if they marked them for special people," said Ethel Brown. "Let's get it started as soon as we can," said Helen. "You're secretary, Ethel Blue; write to-day to the Guild for some pasters and postcards and tell them we are going to send to Mr.

"I'd like to know where they are. I never heard of any farms through here, nor any one else." "Well, they is!" snarled one of the men, a big, rough-looking fellow with a shaggy beard and long hair which seemed not to have been combed in a month. "They is farms here and they's trout brooks an' pasters an' we ain't goin' to have 'em ruined by no railroad."

Well, it seemed a shame to go by the Indian Territory, and allow those poor Indians to break their backs carrying money around, and so we sent a carload of bill pasters into the territory and billed towns that would hold us about a week, and we figured that we would clean up enough money to last us all a life-time.

POSITION AND AIMING DRILLS, DISMOUNTED. For this instruction the squad will be formed with an interval of 1 pace between files. Black pasters to simulate bull's-eyes will be pasted opposite each man on the barrack or other wall, from which the squad is 10 paces distant. The squad being formed as described above, the instructor gives the command: 1. Raise, 2.

"Here's one of the pasters," and Roger handed one of them to Margaret while the others crowded about to read it. APPROVED LABEL NATIONAL PLANT, FLOWER AND FRUIT GUILD, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Express Companies Adams American Great Northern National United States Wells Fargo Western

Head thrown back, Jimmy drained the last drop of coffee from his cup, then scraped the latter with a tin spoon for its last bit of sugar. "We are pasters, our gang is. We paste the paper on the boxes. There's a boy sits next to me what's the fastest paster in town, but I'm going to beat him some day. I can paste almost as fast as he can now." "He could beat him now if he didn't play so much."

From the pasters to be seen on them, they have come from the Continental Hotel, Paris, by way of the Ritz, London. At this latter place their stay was short. This is proved by the fact that only the steamer-trunk is pasted with the Ritz label. And this trunk was the one I found in their room at the Universal. From it Miss Willetts had taken the dress she wore to the museum.

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