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Si la comedia pedía un carácter, era preciso no haber pasado los límites de la verosimilitud, pues pasándolos, Matilde no resulta enamorada sino maniática; por eso en varias ocasiones parece que ella misma se burla de sus desatinos: lo mismo hubiera sucedido con don Quijote si no nos hubiera dicho Cervantes desde el principio: "Miren ustedes que está loco."

The rest of the party he suffered to proceed without further interruption on their voyage. Then holding on his course, the prudent pilot, without touching at any other point of the coast, advanced as far as the Punta de Pasado, about half a degree south, having the glory of being the first European who, sailing in this direction on the Pacific, had crossed the equinoctial line.

BRUNO. Pero hija, si nació usted el día de los innumerables mártires de Zaragoza, que cayó en viernes en el mes pasado, y entonces hizo usted los diez y siete. DOÑA MATILDE. Bueno, diez y siete; y lo que va desde entonces acá, ¿no lo cuentas? Si sabré yo que tengo diez y ocho años. DON EDUARDO. ¡Indudablemente!

When the last note died away, there was utter stillness about me for an instant nothing stirred, nothing moved; the wind seemed to have forsaken the leaves. From a great distance, as if he were going deeper into the woods, I heard him once more tuning up his pipes; but he did not play again. Beside me, I heard the low voice of one of my natives murmuring, "Muerte ha pasado."

On the title-page stood a characteristic motto from his favourite Horace: ab ipso ferro. Possibly at this moment Luis de Leon looked forward to a period of learned leisure: O ya seguro puerto de mi tan luengo error! o deseado para reparo cierto del grave mal pasado, reposo dulce, alegre, reposado!

Without touching at any other port, Ruiz then sailed southward as far as Punta de Pasado, being the first European who, sailing in this direction, had crossed the equinoctial line, after which he returned to the place where he had left Pizarro. He did not reach it too soon. The little band had met with nothing but disaster.

At length "Agua, agua" we had not a drop of water in the boat. "El muchacho esta moriendo de sed Agua." We got on board, and the surgeon gave the poor fellow some weak tepid grog. It acted like magic. He gradually uncoiled himself, his voice, from being weak and husky, became comparative strong and clear. "El hijo Agua para mi Pedrillo No le hace pari mi oh la noche pasado, la noche pasado!"

And the only good cattle lands for a hundred miles are just south of theah, isn't that so?" "Yes, but " "Men, this is a time fo' desperate measures. We must stake all on one turn of the cards. Boldness might win. I want yo' hombres to be in Mariposa the day pasado mañana." "The day after to-morrow!" Wise repeated. "What's yore plan, Kid?" "I don't know exactly," Kid Wolf admitted.

Fortunately, the wind was light, and, as the weather was favorable, their voyage, though slow, was not uncomfortable. In a few days, they came in sight of Point Pasado, the limit of the pilot's former navigation; and, crossing the line, the little bark entered upon those unknown seas which had never been ploughed by European keel before.

Y éste me parece además muy buen sujeto. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Oh, muy bueno!... ¡Si viera usted la ley que nos tiene ... y lo que le queremos todos! ¡Pobre Bruno! Cuando estuvo el invierno pasado tan malo, ni un instante me separé yo de la cabecera de su cama. DON EDUARDO. Con qué gusto oigo a usted eso, ¡Matilde mía!