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The owld bullet come close, but not a hair of Tim O'Rooney's head was touched, and thanks be to heaven for it!" The bullet of the treacherous Indian had indeed whizzed harmlessly by the head of Tim O'Rooney and when he fell to the bottom of the canoe it was for the purpose of preventing any more of their missiles passing too near him.

He ach! the owld doctor has oach ack ack! Blessed Vargin! Ha he hoh ack! Poison! poison!" And the brace of revellers went staggering over the azotea, delivering their stomachs, and ejaculating in extreme terror as the thought struck them that there might be poison in the pickle. I had risen to my feet, and was enjoying the joke in loud laughter.

He said: "In compromises they always get half." This removed my only objection. Chief BLUNT. He sent one of these by his confidential messenger to the "reputed wife" of Brick Duffy, and the other to the reputed wife of Red McFadden. Within the hour these offensive answers came: YE OWLD FOOL: brick Duffys bin ded 2 yere. CHIEF BAT, Red McFadden is hung and in heving 18 month.

"There's my owld uncle Macgrath gone to his long home, an' he was the support o' me grandmother. Och! what'll she do now wid him gone an' me away at the wars?" "Won't some other relation look after her, Flynn?" suggested Moses. "Other relation!" exclaimed the corporal; "I've got no other relations, an' them that I have are as poor as rats.

I couldn't face the owld man and Feemy, afther what jist happened." So we will for the present leave him smoking in the stable, and return to the inmates of the house. It will be remembered that when Father John left Feemy after his morning visit, she remained alone till Mr. Keegan came: and that she was dismissed from the dining-room when they began to talk on business.

Still Feemy did not turn her face towards him, or answer him. "Well! I know what's on your heart, and may be it's as heavy as that which is weighing on my own. I must say a word or two to the owld man, that he may not larn from sthrangers what it is his son has done; and then I must wish good-bye to Ballycloran I trust for iver! But there's one thing I'll ask you, Feemy, before I go.

They spend their money in the country, and I'd have no fault to find if they'd lave politics alone. Mind that owld Gladstone doesn't become a Papist all out. 'Twould be better for him, no doubt, and as the whole jing-bang that turned round with him before would no doubt still follow at his heels, we'd get a considerable quantity of converts, if we could say little about the quality.

An' the man that first found out that they couldn't understand sinse, an' gave thim somethin' that wanted no brains, they say has made a fortune. Is that thrue, now? "As for owld Gladstone, I wouldn't trust him out o' me sight. We'll get no Home Rule, the owld thrickster doesn't mane it. 'Tis like a man I knew that was axed to lind a friend £100.

Maggie me love, me darlint, me pride; ye know ivery word I spake. Yes, she does, Sorr. She ondhershtands both English an' Irish. I can dhrive her in both, but I have an owld woman o' me own that can only dhrive her in Irish. Home Rule will do no good at all. Twinty years I wint to England to harvest, an' eighteen iv it to the same masther an' on the same farm.

"Hear that now?" said Tim the boatswain to me in a loud whisper, he having come down from the forecastle after heaving a rope over to those in the boat, and I following him to where the others were standing on the deck. "Ye'll soon know owld Jock's ways. We allers calls him `Sayin's an' Maynins'; for that's what he's allars a-sayin'!"