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Updated: August 22, 2024

Murden gave the word to move forward, but first impressed upon the minds of the men the necessity of caution in regard to the manner in which their guns were carried, for, as he quietly observed, "we have enemies to kill, and can't afford to despatch each other. A spark of fire is sufficient to ignite our powder, and then where should we be?"

Lieutenant, let him be tied to a tree, and give him a few dozen across his bare back." "No, don't do that," cried the fellow, in some alarm. "I never could stand a flogging, and my proud spirit vill break if I get's one." "Tie him up, Maurice," said Murden, coolly. "I recollect the fellow, and a bigger decoy rogue does not exist in the country.

The dancing began with great spirit, but as the night wore on the music grew monotonous. There were only six tunes in the organ, and not all the skill and energy of Mother Murden could grind one more out of it. Neddy lay across the doorway, and was never disturbed. He did not wake in time to take any part in the festive scene, being dead.

He knew that we were no cowards, for we had given him proof of our fighting qualities; and not understanding the secret motive which actuated us in pressing for a speedy march to Melbourne, began to think that there might possibly be reason in what we said. "I hardly think the robbers would dare to attack us," Murden said, at length; "the scamps know that my bullies can fight when roused."

"You miserable apology for a man," cried Murden, raising his arm, and the fellow cowered at the threatened blow; but Fred interposed, and stopped the impetuous officer from carrying his intention into effect. "What excuse have you to offer for plotting against us?" demanded Fred, addressing the Irishman. "I was poor, and wanted food," he returned, with a face of shame.

"What are you afraid of?" demanded Murden. "We are afraid of nothing," replied Maurice; "but the dirt appears to be bewitched." "Nonsense! Strike the earth with the point of your shovels and let's see what witchery there is concealed there," cried the lieutenant, authoritatively. Maurice no longer held back. He raised his shovel and drove it into the soft earth, and the effect was electrical.

"And now to conclude a long story," said Murden, "here is a discharge which states that your friend was unjustly arrested, and that he be released from custody, no matter under whose jurisdiction he may be, forthwith. His excellency also bade me state that he should be pleased to see you before your departure from the city, and requests Mr.

"I don't see but that I shall be obliged to give my consent, after all," Murden said; "if you are rash enough to thrust your heads into the lion's mouth, why, take my best wishes for your success, and start at once. Ah, there speaks one of my carbines again. The garrison is on the alert."

"Then let us move onward without delay, for the cracking of a branch might cost us our lives, and that is something none of us wish to spare, just now." With cautious steps the men moved towards the hut, led by Fred and Murden. We met with no opposition, although it would not have surprised me to have heard a discharge of musketry as we advanced.

"I will go and attend on him, and see what can be done for his relief;" and the lieutenant started at a brisk pace towards where the injured man was lying. "Well, Sam, how do you feel?" inquired Murden. "Weak from the loss of blood, sir, but I think that I shall get over it." "Get over it?" repeated Murden, in pretended surprise, "of course you will.

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