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Or the Archbishop's lady: ho! a soul from the Chrysostom or Athanasian locker. But poor Moll Crispin is in the throes with twins: well! there are plenty of cobblers' and tinkers' souls in the hold John Bunyan!! Why, thou miserable Barrister, it would take an angel an eternity to tinker thee into a skull of half his capacity! Ib. p. 30, 31.

J. Thomson, "Defective Co-ordination in Utero," British Medical Journal, September 6, 1902. H. Campbell, Nervous Organization of Man and Woman, p. 206; cf. Moll, Untersuchungen über die Libido Sexualis, bd. i, p. 264. Many authorities, from Soranus of Ephesus onward, consider, however, that sexual relations should cease during pregnancy, and certainly during the later months. Cf.

"Tell me now if I shall see him again," cries Moll, eagerly offering her hand again, and as quickly as she had before withdrawn it. "That depends upon yourself," returns the other. "The line is a deep one. Would you give him all you have?" Moll bends her head low in silence, to conceal her hot face. "'Tis nothing to be ashamed of," says the old woman, in a strangely gentle tone.

"Don't forget, Moll," said Rachel ironically, "that Henry Butts valued his ham at seventy-five cents." "Anyhow, hit don't seem right an' fair," said Moll. "I didn't have to kill Jasper to save my life. I could ha' saved it without killin' him." "You did perfectly right in killing him, Moll," broke in Viola warmly. "I would have done the same thing if I had been in your place."

Thither came the famous Captain Hind, the Regicides' inveterate enemy, whose lofty achievements Moll, with an amiable extravagance, was wont to claim for her own. Thither came the unamiably notorious Mull Sack, who once emptied Cromwell's pocket on the Mall, and whose courage was as formidable as his rough-edged tongue.

Her eyes, wide with their alarm, were fixed on the window. There was a man's face there, just above the sill and now a man's form swung through the window, and dropped lightly to the floor inside the room. And she stared in horrified fascination, and could not move. It was the Adventurer. "It's Miss Gray, isn't it? The White Moll?" he murmured amiably. "I've been trying to find you all night.

'Never; nor he doesn't care if they don't, for sure they could be no credit to him; but they that found him put him into the Union, and there an old woman, that they called Granny Moll, took to him.

Immediately it was rumoured all over the prison that Moll Flanders would turn evidence against one of the highwaymen, and that I was to come off by it from the sentence of transportation. They heard of it, and immediately my husband desired to see this Mrs. Flanders that knew him so well, and was to be an evidence against him; and accordingly I had leave given to go to him.

She was sorry for Moll, of course, and grieved and hurt because Ebenezer had lost his temper and struck her. But her loving heart excused him. Certainly the provocation had been great. Old Moll was unusually impertinent. Intent to repair the momentary disloyalty of her doubt, she pressed his arm lovingly. "There, dear, let's not speak of it again. It's over now and we'll forget all about it."

"Aye, to be sure, for now shall we be all in one family with these Godwins, and this cousin, profiting by the estate as much as Moll, will never begrudge her giving us a hundred or two now and then, for rendering him such good service." "'Twill appease Moll's compunctions into the bargain," says I, heedlessly. "What compunctions?" "The word slipped me unintended," stammers I; "I mean nothing."