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Paul disclaims anything beside in his 'Not I, but the grace of God in me. Peter thrusts the question at the staring crowd, 'Why look ye on us as though by our power or holiness we had made this man to walk? John, in his calm way, tells his children at Ephesus, 'Ye need not that any man teach you.

The upshot is a strange vision of materialistic and dynamistic pantheism a vision of humanity considered as a body and a soul in unceasing motion. Nicolai begins by reminding us that this idea has existed in all ages. He summarises the history of the doctrine. We have the "fire" of Heraclitus, which for the sage of Ephesus was also the universal intelligence of the world.

Lactantius does not deny that a statue was erected to him at Ephesus; and Sidonius Apollinaris, who even wrote his life, speaks of him as the admiration of the countries he traversed, and the favourite of monarchs.

He found that Theodosius called a council at Constantinople in 381 by which it was decided that the Holy Ghost proceeded from the Father that Theodosius, the younger, assembled a council at Ephesus in 431 that declared the Virgin Mary to be the mother of God that the Emperor Martian called another council at Chalcedon in 451 that decided that Christ had two wills that Pognatius called another in 680 that declared that Christ had two natures to go with his two wills and that in 1274, at the council of Lyons, the important fact was found that the Holy Ghost "proceeded" not only from the Father, but also from the Son at the same time.

The man who had managed the affair of Chios was sent to play the same game at Ephesus. But the people were on their guard, slew him, and raised the standard of rebellion. Tralles, Hypaepa, Metropolis, Sardis, Smyrna, and other towns followed their example.

One of these writers, Xenophon of Ephesus, the author of the "Ephesiacs, or Habrocomas and Anthia," is commended by Politian for the classical purity of his language, in which he considers him scarcely inferior to his namesake the historian: but the work has little else to recommend it.

Yet even Rome was not mute, and the church of Ara Coeli seemed more and more to draw all the threads of thought to a centre, for every new journey led back to its steps Karnak, Ephesus, Delphi, Mycencae, Constantinople, Syracuse all lying on the road to the Capitol.

Asia Minor was celebrated for her libraries. There were 'many curious books' in Ephesus, and rich stores of books at Antioch on the Orontes, and where the gray-capped students 'chattered like water-fowl' by the river at Tarsus.

The writer to the saints at Ephesus says, "He hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places." To live in a heavenly place, we must live a heavenly life. Those who do not live a heavenly life on earth will never live in heaven. The heavenly life is the only life worth living. It is the only life that ends in heaven. The way of holiness is the way of happiness.

If we are to be in Christ when we are in Ephesus, we need to keep ourselves separate and faithful, and to keep ourselves in Christ. If the diver comes out of the diving-bell he is drowned. If he keeps inside its crystal walls he may be on the bottom of the ocean, but he is dry and safe.

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