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And if any cursed witch or enchanter would bewitch him that beareth the diamond, all that sorrow and mischance shall turn to himself through virtue of that stone. And also no wild beast dare assail the man that beareth it on him. Also the diamond should be given freely, without coveting and without buying, and then it is of greater virtue.

I will do it with my own hands. I will swear to be brave and good. But let me go with you, let me go with you! If any mischance should have befallen him, my love would find him, when nothing else could. On my knees, dear friends of travellers! By the love your dear mothers had for your fathers!" The good rough fellows were moved.

"He had no gun," said the other gravely; "but that was doubtless due to some very natural mischance or change of plans. Probably the same policy that made him change the clothes made him drop the gun; he began to repent the coat he had left behind him in the blood of his victim." "Well, that is possible enough," answered the priest.

"She cannot do any harm even if she does manage to send that despatch to Lee; it is false information." Twice Mitchell tried to speak. "Man, man," he gasped finally. "By some fearful mischance I dropped a real despatch and not the bogus one." With eyes starting from his head, Lloyd regarded the unfortunate officer while he slowly digested his startling news.

The only mischance on the way was that in the noontide halt, just as the shimmer of the Lake of Galilee met their eyes, under a huge terebinth-tree, growing on a rock, when all, except Sigbert, had composed themselves to a siesta, there was a sudden sound of loud and angry altercation, and, as the sleepers started up, the Emir was seen grasping the bridle of the horse on which the Sheik sat downcast and abject under the storm of fierce indignant words hurled at him for thus degrading his tribe and all Islam by breaking his plighted word to the Christian.

His father, Liu, wished to postpone the ceremony, but his mother argued that perhaps joy would cure him better than medicine. "But if, by mischance, our son should die?" he insisted. "We will send back the bride and all the gifts, and the family will have nothing to say." The doctor, like many men, was wax in the hands of his wife, and therefore her wish was fulfilled.

But on this subject I have only conjectures to offer. If they wish you to marry their son, it is probably because it seems too hard that you should be left in abject poverty while they are enjoying the fortune they have stolen from you. The vilest scoundrels have their scruples. Besides, a marriage with their son would protect them against any possible mischance in the future."

Only, strictly speaking, it would not be a venture at all, but a moral certainty, a cinch, the surest of all sure things. Guaranties against mischance entailing loss would be provided; he could promise his friend Hartridge that; and the telegraph manager, when he came shortly, would add further proof. The question then was: Would Hartridge join him as a partner?

"Yet may I look with heart unshook On blow brought home or missed Yet may I hear with equal ear The clarions down the List; Yet set my lance above mischance And ride the barriere Oh, hit or miss, how little 'tis, My Lady is not there!" A verse, in this connection, which may be a perversion of Mr. Kipling's meaning, but not so far from it, after all.

He feared some outbreak on the part of the Spanish sympathizers, and, to prevent such a mischance, he not only embodied the comparatively small portion of the Creole militia whom he could trust, but also a number of American volunteers, concerning whose fidelity in such a crisis as that he anticipated there could be no question.