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Minty captured in the charge about fifty prisoners and a few wagons and mules, and thus enabled me to load my train with corn, and send it back to Murfreesboro' unmolested. In this little fight the sabre was freely used by both sides, and I do not believe that during the whole war I again knew of so large a percentage of wounds by that arm in proportion to the numbers engaged.

Is she young or old?" demanded Mrs. Lem, recovering a sense of the lustre on her brilliantine. "Oh, pretty so-so," returned her father-in-law aggravatingly. "Then they'll be up here in a few minutes," said Mrs. Lem, her black eyes snapping. "Get in out o' the wind, Minty, or you won't have no Boston left."

"Jason, you go out to the barn and get Cyrus to give you one of the white turkey's wings; and Minty, you wrap it up nice, so it will be handy for your aunt to carry. Go as soon as you've ate your dinner, so's to have it ready, for Uncle Piper has got to get home before sundown." "Yes'm," answered Jason hoarsely, without lifting his eyes from his plate.

Specially ez you are going away to-morrow." "Who said I was going away to-morrow?" asked Mainwaring, uneasily. "Loo Macy!" "Ah she did? But I may change my mind, you know!" he continued, with a faint smile. Minty shook her curls decisively. "I reckon SHE knows," she said dryly, "she's got law and gospel for wot she says. But yer she comes. Ask her!

"Boys," he explained, "there'd ought to be some women folks around. I'm gwine for Minty, and she'll start the rest on 'em. Women folks is what's needed. They kin kinder organize things whar thar's trouble." "Well," said Tom, "perhaps you're right; but don't send too many of 'em, and let your wife tell 'em to talk as little as possible and leave the man alone. He's got enough to stand up under."

"Minty," she said, anxiously, "don't you feel right? It was hot yesterday, and the excitement, and all I dunno but you may have had a stroke." Araminta smiled a lovable, winning smile. "No, I haven't had any 'stroke, but I've made all the quilts I'm going to until I get to be an old woman, and have nothing else to do." "What are you layin' out to do, Minty?" demanded Miss Mehitable.

"I wish I knew where I could ketch that kind o' sickness," returned Minty, regarding the bright auburn rings enviously, "but don't tell Thinkright I said so," she added, with an afterthought. "He thinks bein' sick's as wrong as lyin'." "My cousin Thinkright has some very odd ideas," returned Sylvia. "There's Daisy a-mooin'," exclaimed Minty, her face lighting. "She hears us talkin'."

"Yes; it's me," said Minty, "and Creation knows it's time I DID come, to keep that boy from ruinin' us with his airs and conceits." "Did ye bring over any o' that fever mixter?" "No. Bradley sez you're loading yerself up with so much o' that bitter bark kuinine they call it over there that you'll lift the ruff off your head next. He allows ye ain't got no ague; it's jest wind and dyspepsy.

Tom'd jus' as lief as she wus twins as not, mebbe liefer. It'd be a bigger thing for him to engineer 'n' gas about ef she wus. Ef you'd seen him bring her into the store to the boys 'n' brag on her 'n' spread hisself, I reckon ye wouldn't hev minded 'bout Tom. Why, he's set on her, Minty, a'reddy, as set as he kin be."

"Put on your sweater, Minty, and run up and git Miss Lacey's jacket for her. It's real fresh," said her mother. The sun had ceased casting sparkles across the sea when they went out of doors, and the shadows were lengthening.