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Thinkright said I might let her git stove on a rock, and he'd druther I'd wait." "Very well, Minty, to-morrow we shall begin making up for lost time. Let them watch us." Cap'n Lem soon appeared, and the five made a happy supper party. During the meal the clouds lightened and the rain abated. Mrs. Lem would not hear to Sylvia's assisting in clearing away, but sent her upstairs to unpack her trunk.

The blacksmith is sick, so I had to come over here to get the mare shod, and I wish you'd tell your aunt that Sabriny says 'twan't no turkey's wing that she sent her: 'twas some kind of a sea-bird's wing, and it come off of somebody's bunnit, and she's a-goin' to fetch it back!" Minty and Jason answered not a word, but as they went on they looked at each other despairingly.

As it was, it suggested an instrument tuned to a false key and consequently discordant with all true and womanly harmonies. Her conversation with young Minty was as insipid as himself, but occasionally Stanton's cynical banter evoked something like repartee and wit. In the course of her talk she said: "By the way, Ik, mother and I start for the country next week.

That comes from his hangin' round that saw-mill in the woods, and listenin' to Bradley's high-falutin' talk about rocks and strata and sich." "But Bradley don't go a cent on minin', Pop," said Minty. "He sez the woods is good enough for him; and there's millions to be made when the railroad comes along, and timber's wanted."

But the next moment the Baronet's voice rose, persuasively, "Really, I must insist upon relieving you of your bag and umbrella." "Well, if you'll let me telegraph 'yes' to Minty, I don't care if yer do." When the room was quiet again, Lady Canterbridge and James Bradley silently slipped from the curtain, and, without a word, separated at the door.

He and Minty would have to elope, of course, and he told me to tell her just what to do, because I could get to see her alone, which he couldn't. There was a little sapling grew near the tree, and one of its limbs stuck out above her window.

All these delights were directly before Jason Kittredge as he dangled his legs from the stone wall and whittled away at the skewers which Clorinda, the "hired girl," had demanded of him, and yet his heart was as heavy as lead. He did not even look up when his sister Minty came up the hill toward him.

Bradley, "I wonder how Richardson will accept Minty!" "If I can, I think he MUST," returned Mainwaring, dryly. "By Jove, it will be great fun to see him; but" he stopped and hesitated "I don't know about the ladies. I don't think, you know, that they'll stand Minty again before another stranger."

Now, this same Miss Sterling had the faculty of attracting a good deal of attention when she wished to. She brought it into play to-night, and in ten minutes, aided by Sadness, she had a crowd of jolly people about her table. When, as she would have expressed it, "everything was going fat," she suddenly paused and, turning her eyes full upon Minty, said in a voice loud enough for all to hear,

Lem's good bread and butter, fell asleep and snored peacefully. He had bargained with Minty for this substantial repast as the price of sailing her around the Basin, and Sylvia had been quite concerned that he had no appetite for the afternoon tea which the others took before setting forth. At Anemone Cottage the party was received with acclaim.