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Winters said he would go out on that limb and bend it down, about midnight, and Minty Glenwood could be there and climb out on it, and they would go away together quite a distance from Aunt Melissy, and live happy ever after.

"I expect I shall have to send you children each a copy of my book with the picter of that turkey in it," said the poultry dealer. "And maybe the boy and I can make kind of a contract about eggs and chickens." The minister's daughter wore her gull's wing to church the next Sunday, and she privately confided to Minty that she "didn't blame her one bit."

And," continued Minty, throwing herself into a chair and fanning her glowing face with her apron, "yer I am!" "But you have not told me WHAT has happened," said Mainwaring, with a constrained smile, and an uneasy glance towards the house. "That's so," said Minty, with a brilliant laugh. "I clean forgot the hull gist of the thing. Well, we're rich folks now over thar' on Barren Ledge!

"You don't care because the new minister and his daughter are coming?" pursued Minty. Jason's tastes, as she well knew, did not incline to ministers and schoolmasters as companions in merrymaking.

Minty skipped around helping her mother with the tea things, but her round eyes were first to discern the pair who came in sight on the hillside. "There they be," she exclaimed, running to the window; "and ma," in deep excitement, "they're hookin' arms!"

"And I'll always wear white," she promised, gayly, "and there'll be pitchers on every table, frosty on the outside, and minty on the inside, and you're all invited." They had laughed at that, and so had she, but she had been grimly in earnest just the same. She shook her head now at Fenger's suggestion. "Imagine Mrs.

Then he caught her and kissed her. "What 're you givin' me?" he said. "It 's a straight tip, that 's what." "Who is it?" "It 's a girl named Minty Brown from your home." His face turned brick-red with fear and shame. "Minty Brown!" he stammered. Had that girl told all and undone him? But Hattie was going on about her work and evidently knew nothing.

She immediately withdrew to the kitchen, and smiled to herself presently, as she saw Minty, with an air of great importance, starting out in the same direction. She had been gone about half an hour, when Lyle, who was again seated in the porch, caught sight of her moon-shaped face peering around the corner of the house in frantic endeavors to attract Haight's attention.

"So I told Cousin Minty Glenwood about the plan, and just what to do, and she was as scared as a chicken, but said she would do anything to save the hired man from that awful city life he had mentioned.

Her mother trailed the brilliantine across the room with a self-command and return of composure truly remarkable, and throwing open the door, met the grave gaze of the guest with unsmiling majesty. "How do you do, Mrs. Lem?" said Thinkright. "This is my young cousin, Sylvia Lacey, who is going to make us a visit. And this little girl is Minty Foster, Sylvia."