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Updated: December 27, 2024
Why, I wouldn't be surprised if by spring I wasn't tuning up again for a coast-to-coast tour " "Spring! That talk don't fool me. Without my boy, the springs in my life are over " "Why, ma, you talk like every soldier who goes to war was killed! There's only the smallest percentage of them die in battle " "'Spring, he says; 'spring'! Crossing the seas from me!
When this amount of stone is used, the finest grade may not be preferred to material having a considerable percentage of slightly coarser grains. Red Clover. When land is in excellent tilth, it may grow red clover satisfactorily while showing a decided lime deficiency. On the other hand, much slightly acid land fails to grow clover, and an application of lime is followed by heavy growths.
If the percentage is good, the seed may be considered as fairly up to the sample, and it is purchased. There are native seed buyers, who try to get as much into their hands as they can, and rig the market. There are also European buyers, and there is a keen rivalry in all the bazaars.
After much experience of this class, including many visits to common lodging-houses, and some friendships with the inmates, I am sure that the desire to be untrammelled with social and municipal obligation leads a great percentage of the occupants to prefer the life to any other.
The thick fluid of the consistency of treacle flowing from the grinding-mills is poured into round metal pots, the top and bottom of which are lined with pads of felt, and these are, when filled, put under a powerful hydraulic press, which extracts a large percentage of the natural oil or butter.
Carbohydrates are supplied in abundance by potatoes, rice, corn, sugar, and molasses. The different cereals also contain a large percentage of carbohydrates in the form of starch. Variety in the selection of foods for the table is an essential feature, but this should not increase either the work or the expense of supplying the meals.
Totals . . . . . . . . $996,711,550 $795,623,030 77.49 HONORABLE GEORGE S. BOUTWELL, Boston, Massachusetts. My Dear Mr. Secretary: It gives me pleasure to enclose to you a table showing by classes of bonds the percentage of interest paid by checks. The interest on all registered bonds is now so paid. Only the coupon bonds, by their nature, are differently treated.
The conversation, always returning to the red king and the black four-spot, ranged idly here and there. Susan observed that she must write some letters, and meant to take a hot bath and go early to bed. But she sat on and on; the cards, by the smallest percentage of amusement, still held them. At ten o'clock Mrs. Lancaster and Virginia came in, bright-eyed and chilly, eager to talk of the lecture.
"We speak of giving them the safety and shelter of the home," here Diantha grew solemn; "So far from sharing our homes, she gives up her own, and has none of ours, but the poorest of our food and a cramped lodging; she has neither the freedom nor the privileges of a home; and as to shelter and safety the domestic worker, owing to her peculiarly defenceless position, furnishes a terrible percentage of the unfortunate."
The percentage of illiteracy decreased from 70 in 1880 to 30.4 in 1910, and movements were under way for the still more rapid spread of elementary knowledge. Excellent high schools, such as those in St.
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