United States or Côte d'Ivoire ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Yet such a national playground has been discovered; and it isn't in Europe, where statisticians compute that Americans yearly spend from a quarter to half a billion dollars; and it isn't the Coast-to-Coast trip which the president of a transcontinental told me at least a hundred thousand people a year traverse.

Piloting a smaller and more sophisticated but equally-well protected version of Icarus, Major Quartermain abandoned the fleshpots of earth and the adulation of his coast-to-coast collection of worshiping females to again hurtle into the unknown. "It was strictly a milk run," Major Quartermain was quoted as saying as he emerged from his ship after an uneventful but propaganda-loaded trip.

"I'm not sure that I ought to," teased Anthony, smiling unwillingly. She was so obviously interested, in a state of almost laughable self-absorption. "He means your nickname," said her cousin. "What name?" inquired Anthony, politely puzzled. Instantly she was shy then she laughed, rolled back against the cushions, and turned her eyes up as she spoke: "Coast-to-Coast Gloria."

Harriman, therefore, by a single stroke, now found himself in practical possession of a coast-to-coast system of railroads extending all the way from New York to San Francisco, Portland, and Los Angeles, and passing through all the important cities of the country. The Illinois Central system, operating nearly five thousand miles of road southward from Chicago to New Orleans, passing through St.

Why I wouldn't be surprised if by spring I wasn't tuning up again for a coast-to-coast tour " "'Spring' that talk don't fool me without my boy, the springs in my life are over " "Why, ma, you talk like every soldier who goes to war was killed. There's only the smallest percentage of them die in battle " "'Spring, he says; 'spring! Crossing the seas from me!

If it is inexpedient for the architectural patriarchs and their young hopefuls to take over the films bodily, let a board of strategy be formed who make it their business to eat dinner with the scenario writers, producers, and owners, conspiring with them in some practical way. Why should we not consider ourselves a deathless Panama-Pacific Exposition on a coast-to-coast scale?

Why, I wouldn't be surprised if by spring I wasn't tuning up again for a coast-to-coast tour " "Spring! That talk don't fool me. Without my boy, the springs in my life are over " "Why, ma, you talk like every soldier who goes to war was killed! There's only the smallest percentage of them die in battle " "'Spring, he says; 'spring'! Crossing the seas from me!