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He told us that we must decide the next day. When we came to the road where we were to separate he filed off on his road and the others filed off on their road and then came back with their whips in their hands. I had filed in after Hunt, and they tried to convince me that I was very wrong. A Mr. Norton of Adrian, Mich., promised Mrs.

I know not if you are acquainted with German; but I cannot resist the desire of gratifying my own ears with a repetition of the sounds of the thrilling consonants which produced so great an effect on me on that occasion. His voice was rough and guttural: "Wann der Wein in Himmelsclang, Wandelt mein Geklimper, Sind Homer, and Ossian, Gegen mich nur Stumper."

Supposin' th' factory geet o' fire this mornin', an' yo' hed th' chance o' savin' that lass o' mine that back-tents for yo', yo'd save her, wouldn't yo'? 'Yi, lad, if I'd th' chance, replied Amos. 'Then haa is it yo're so mich better nor Him, as yo' co th' Almeety, for yo' reckon He'll noan save some o' us? 'I tell thee I'd save th' lass if I hed th' chance.

John's, Mich., a light was suddenly introduced, and she was seen in the act of doing what she had asserted to be done by the "spirits." She has also been exposed as an impostor in other places. As I have said before, the mediums always insist on having such "conditions" as will best enable them to deceive the senses and mislead the judgment.

Hea am aw to know yo're not playin' a marlock wi' mo? He'll be oop i' th' heawse theer. Col. And how am I to know you're not a housebreaker? Th. Dun yo think an owd mon like mosel' would be of mich use for sich wark as that, mon? Col. G. The more fit for a spy, though, to see what might be made of it. Th. Eh, mon! Dun they do sich things as yon?

"'ICH WILL ALLES LERNEN' ah, you look as if my pronunciation were not good." "I was not thinking of that; you pronounce very well. "ICH WILL ALLES LERNEN, WAS SIE MICH LEHREN: there now, tell me what it means." "Not until you learn it; encore une fois." I said it after him again and again, but when I attempted it alone, I made invariably some error.

For further testimony on this point, the reader is referred to a tract published at the Review Office, Battle Creek, Mich., entitled, "Who Changed the Sabbath?" in which are also extracts from Catholic writers, refuting the arguments usually relied upon to prove the Sunday Sabbath, and showing that its only authority is the Catholic church.

Durnd look on th' grass so mich. Thaa's no need to be ashamed o' showing thi face there's noan so mony at's better lookin' leastways, I've sin noan. Miriam was silent; but as Matt's hand stole gently into hers, and she felt the warm touch of his grasp, her heart leapt, and its pent-up burden found outlet in a sob.

He died at Breslau on the 9th of July 1677. In 1657 Silesius published under the title Heilige Seelenlust, oder geistliche Hirtenlieder der in ihren Jesum verliebten Psyche , a collection of 205 hymns, the most beautiful of which, such as, Liebe, die du mich zum Bilde deiner Gottheit hast gemacht and Mir nach, spricht Christus, unser Held, have been adopted in the German Protestant hymnal.

This was during the winter of 1885-86. Special credit for this early venture belongs to Mr. E. L. Brooks, still of Hesperia and an ex-president of the present association, and to Dr. C. N. Sowers, of Benton Harbor, Mich., who was one of the teachers during the winter named, and who was elected secretary of the Board of School Examiners in 1887. Mr.