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Ole mahs' love' wine, ole mis' love' silk, De piggies, dey loves buttehmilk, An' eveh sence dis worl' began, De ladies loves de ladies' man. I loves to sing a song to de ladies! I loves to dance along o' de ladies! Whilse eveh I can breave aw see aw stan' I's bound to be a ladies' man.

For every time the tormenting inanity won its way, that other note, that unvoiced agony, hurled itself against the bars of its throbbing prison. "Ole mahs' love' wine, ole mis' love' " "Oh, Hilary, my Hilary!" From the Creole Quarter both carriage and wagon turned to the water front. Charlie's warning that even more trying scenes would be found there was in vain.

"O Mahs Jimmy, I I's gwine; but" he ventured nearer "don't on no account drink nothin', Mahs Jimmy." Such was the negro's earnestness that he put one foot in the gutter, and fell heavily against his master. The parson threw him off angrily. "Thar, now! Why, Colossus, you most of been dosted with sumthin'; yo' plum crazy. Humph, come on, Jools, let's eat!

Dat old Miss Keswick done gone an' kunjered Mahs' Robert, an' dey's boun' to git mar'ed. I done heered all 'bout it, an' she's comin' h'yar to lib wid Mahs' Robert. But dat don' make no dif'rence to me. I's gwine to lib wid Mahs' Junius an' Miss Rob in New York, I is. But I's mighty sorry for you all." "You Peggy," shouted the irate Aunt Judy, "shut up wid your fool talk!

There were two reasons why Peggy could not go to live with "Mahs' Junius and Miss Rob" in New York. In the first place, this couple had no intention of setting up an establishment in that city; and secondly, Peggy, as Roberta well knew, was not adapted by nature to be her maid, or the maid of any one else.

Den Mahs' Junius he come to de house, an' dar Miss Rob in de parlor waitin' fur him. I stood jes' outside de doh', so's to be out de way, but Mahs' Junius he kinder back agin de doh', an' shet it. But I clap'd my year ter de crack, an' I hear eberything dey said." "Wot dey say?" asked Aunt Judy, her mouth open, her eyes dilated, and the long ladle trembling in her hand.

Dem dat's in it is Mahs' Junius an' Mister Crof'." "Are you sure of that?" exclaimed Miss Roberta in astonishment. "Look again." "Yaas'm," replied Peggy. "I's sartin shuh. But dey jes gwine behin' de trees now." The road was not again visible for some distance, but when the buggy reappeared Peggy gave a start, and exclaimed: "Dar's on'y one pusson in it now, Miss Rob."

When Mahs' Robert marry dat ole jimpsun weed, de angel Gabr'el blow his hohn, shuh."

Then, "The town is bu'nt up; the army done 'rendered, an' Mahs William come back ragged ez a buzzard!" I did not interrupt her. I could think of nothing to say, and began to be afraid that something was the matter with my brains. Meanwhile Mammy was bustling about, and before I knew it she had started the little fire into a blaze and the tea was boiling.

"Mahs' Junius he say to Miss Rob that he lub her better'n his own skin, or de clouds in de sky, or de flowers in de fiel' wot perish, an' dat de udder man he done cut an' run, an' would she be Miss Junius all de res' ob der libes foreber an' eber, amen?" "Dat wos pow'ful movin'!" ejaculated Aunt Judy. "An' wot did Miss Rob say?"