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Updated: August 10, 2024

An’ one of ’em says to him,’ Sonny, if you’re afeerd that this yere corral is onjurious to the young lady’s morals, we’ll call in the gospel sharp, if you’ll stand for the brand.’ Now Jim hadn’t a cent, nor no callin’, nor a prospect to his back, but he struts up to the man that was doin’ the talkin’, game as a bantam, an’ he says, ’The lady ain’t rakin’ in anythin’ but a lettle white chip, in takin’ me, but if she’s willin’, here’s my hand.’

I was always being eaten, in yon time, wi' a lettle de'il o' ambition, that gnawed at me, and wadna gie me peace. "Man, Harry," he'd say, "I ken weel ye're doin' fine! But, man canna ye do better? Ca' canny, they'll be tellin' ye, but not I! Ye maun do as well as ye can. There's the wife to think of, and the bairn John the wee laddie ye and the wife are so prood on!" It was so, and I knew it.

Dey'd hab a pot turned down at de do'er ter keep de white folks fum 'yearin' dem. De white folks didn't want us ter l'arn nothin' en ef a slave picked up a lettle piece ob papah, dey would yell "put dat down you you wan't ter git in our business." De white folks wouldin' let de slaves pray, ef dey got ter pray hit wuz w'iles walkin' 'hind de plow.

"Ye-’s ma’am," drawled the daughter, coming most unwillingly from the open-faced room opposite, where she had been inciting all four of the suitors to battle. "What was it they called that teacher down to Caspar that larruped the hide off’n the boys?" "A fine dis-a-ply-narian, maw." "Yes, that’s it—a dis-a-ply-narian. What kin a lettle green gourd like her know ’bout dis-apply-in?"

Wound up a big revival last night, I believe. Kind o' caved in, I reckon." "That's all. Needs rest. He'll be wearin' a wood jacket if he doosna leave off preachin'." "Regular jamboree. I couldn't stop him. One of these periodical neighborhood 'awakenings, they call it." "They have need of it here, na doot." "Well, they need something love for God or man." "M well! It's lettle I can do.

Dick Wrinkle didn't recognize him under his broad hat and in his fine clothes, but a thrill went through him when he heard him address the servant. "Put these jim-dandies on top with the yaller side up," he commanded. "They are a lettle mite soft, but they've only got to go over the mountain. They are for the head boss, an' you'd better pack 'em right. He's powerful fond o' good ripe peaches.

"Howdy, Miz Yellett," called out old Sally, hitching her rocker forward, in an excitement she could ill conceal. "You-uns’ gov’ment come, an’ she ain’t much bigger’n a lettle green gourd. Don’t seem to have drawed all the growth comin’ to her yit."

He served his customers with his wicked old face glowing with smiles, and when a moment's breathing-time came he observed: "We all 'az hour lettle surbrizes in dis wairld, an' I most confaiss I am asdonished myself to lairn that Mess Mosgrave is a thief " But here a crashing among the glassware announced that Tommy Dartmoor had begun shooting with his left hand, and Herr Gustave sputtered out from behind the fingers he held before his face, "Ach Gott!

Younker; "don't talk about gratitude, for a lettle favor sech as every body's got a right to, what comes into this country and gits shot by savages. We havn't done no more for you than we'd a done for any body else in like sarcumstances; and, la, sir, the pleasure o' knowing you're a going to git well agin, arter being shot by Injen's pizen bullets, is enough to pay us twenty times over Eh!

I needs milk en cod liver oil fer dis lettle boy but can't buy it. I dunno nothin' 'bout slave uprisin's. De songs I member ez: "All Gawds Chilluns up Yonder." "I want ter Shout Salvation." "Down by de River Side." INTERVIEW NARCISSUS YOUNG Rear 532 1st Street No. Nashville, Tennessee "I'se 96 y'ars ole. Bawn in slavery en mah marster wuz Isham Lamb en mah missis wuz Martha Lamb.

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