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It was itself of gilt and had many images some of which were gilded, while the main ones under the "steeple" were in mother-of-pearl, silver, and gold: to it were attached rings, brooches, girdles, buckles, beads, gawds and crucifixes, in gold and silver, and adorned with coral and jewels.

They are plastered gawds that tell lies that nobody believes. A column is made for the purpose of supporting weight; this is its use. A column, when it is a utility, is beautiful. The fluted wooden columns nailed on outside my house are not utilities. They are not beautiful. They are nightmares.

To Hogarth's dismay, he turned back to the table, put a black bottle, half full, to his lips, and with tilts anc stoppages set to gulp it, while eager jokes, touched with jealousy, began to jeer from the beds. "Lawd Gawd, that was good!" said the Cockney with upturned eyes, "and what do I behold? broth, ye gawds!"

But when I turned I saw the tousled yellow-headed landlady standing in the breach. Mrs. Heath stopped me in the hall to inquire whether I could say "anythink abart the rent per'aps?" Her manner was defiant. I found three months were owing. "It's no good arsking 'im," she said, though not unkindly on the whole. "I'm sick an' tired of always being put off. He talks about the gawds and a Mr.

Worry is a purely Western product, the outgrowth of our materialism, our eager striving after place and position, power and wealth, our determination to be housed, clothed, and jeweled as well as our neighbors, and a little better if possible; in fact, it comes from our failure to know that life is spiritual not material; that all these outward things are the mere "passing show," the tinsel, the gawds, the tissue-paper, the blue and red lights of the theater, the painted scenery, the mock heroes and heroines of the stage, rather than the real settings of the real life of real men and women.

We don't ezackly make Gawds of our bellies, Dad and I; but there's a difference between that and goin' empty. Ask Pammy!" she added, with a twitch and a grin. "I've heard you say, anyway, that you was afraid Mr Rogers'd go to the naughty place. A dozen times I've heard you say it." "Rats! you never did.

I needs milk en cod liver oil fer dis lettle boy but can't buy it. I dunno nothin' 'bout slave uprisin's. De songs I member ez: "All Gawds Chilluns up Yonder." "I want ter Shout Salvation." "Down by de River Side." INTERVIEW NARCISSUS YOUNG Rear 532 1st Street No. Nashville, Tennessee "I'se 96 y'ars ole. Bawn in slavery en mah marster wuz Isham Lamb en mah missis wuz Martha Lamb.

Your ladies say, 'Oh, it's oful nice! Ours say, 'Oh, it's awful nice! We say, 'Four hundred, you say 'For' as in the word or. Your clergymen speak of 'the Lawd, ours of 'the Lord'; yours speak of 'the gawds of the heathen, ours of 'the gods of the heathen. When you are exhausted, you say you are 'knocked up. We don't.

Gawds teruth, Chawley. We are nae fou. We're nae tha fou. Au reservoir, mossoo. Tanks you. 'Tis, sure. What say? In the speakeasy. Tight. I shee you, shir. Bantam, two days teetee. Bowsing nowt but claretwine. Garn! Have a glint, do. Gum, I'm jiggered. And been to barber he have. Too full for words. With a railway bloke. How come you so? Opera he'd like? Rose of Castile. Rows of cast. Police!

"I have seen the man," said my friend, as he turned back the way he had come, "so I can dispense with seeing the hearse I saw the living man at Venice ah, a great poet." "Hey!" said Francis Ardry. "A perfumed lordling." "Ah!" "With a white hand loaded with gawds." "Ah!" "Who wrote verses." "Ah!" "Replete with malignity and sensualism." "Yes!" "Not half so great a poet as Milton." "No?"