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Updated: August 18, 2024

Force got up from his chair, muttered something under his breath, and moved away. He almost collided with Bingle. "What's the matter with these kids of yours, Bingle?" he began irascibly. "Why don't you bring them up properly? Teach 'em politeness. Teach them how to behave toward " "My dear Force, has has Kathleen been rude?" said Mr. Bingle in distress.

I've had a finger in more pies of his than he thinks for! And Daddy drew himself up, pressing his hands against his sides, his long frame swelling out, as it seemed, with sudden passion. David watched him with a look half sympathetic, half satirical. 'I don't see that he did you much harm, Daddy. 'Harm! said the little man, irascibly. 'Harm!

She, too, leaned forward in her chair, and gazed into the cold, hard face. "Just like your father," cried Mrs. Chatterton, settling herself irascibly back in the chair-depths again. "There is no hope that affairs in this house will mend. I wash my hands of you." "I am so glad that you consider me like my father," said Mrs. Whitney gleefully as a child. "We surely are united on this question."

Doesn't mine open to it, stupid?" "Oh, well, ma'am, if you would like him to go through yours, that's different." "Why shouldn't he go through? Do you suppose I mind young Dick Hare? Not I, indeed," she irascibly continued. "I only wish he was young enough for me to flog him as I used to, that's all. He deserves it as much as anybody ever did, playing the fool, as he has done, in all ways.

"You'd better, and without delay!" said Pitkin irascibly. Phil emerged upon the street with a sinking heart. His available funds consisted only of the money he had just received and seventy-five cents in change, and what he was to do he did not know. He walked home with slow steps, looking sad in spite of his usually hopeful temperament. When he entered the house he met Mrs. Forbush in the hall.

"I don't believe," urged the clerk, as if it were relevant, "that there's a girl in the house that you couldn't marry, if you gave your mind to it." Gregory twitched irascibly. "I don't want to marry them." "Pretty cheap lot, you mean? Well, I don't know." "I don't mean that," retorted the student. "But I've got other things to think of."

"Don't interrupt me," said Uncle Joe irascibly. "I guess I know what I'm talking about. I'm good for a couple of months at the outside. I'm seventy years old and I feel two hundred. Why, dammit, old Clarence Mortimer said I LOOK a hundred.

I asked, after we had stared at one another. "Ain't yer yeared nuth'n' 'tall?" a shade of contempt in his tone. "No, what is there to hear?" I asked, rather irascibly. "Dey's a big fight down-town; de folks dey done tore de Six Reggimen' all ter pieces, an' dey's wuk'n 'long on de Fif now." "Whereabouts?" I started up, and got on my hat in an instant. "Dey's et Camd' Street depot, now.

Winkle's reply, "No, my lord; only Nathaniel not Daniel at all." Irascibly, the Judge's, "What did you tell me it was Daniel for, then, sir?" Shamefaced and yet irritably, "I didn't, my lord." "You did, sir!" with great indignation, topped by this cogent reasoning, "How could I have got Daniel on my notes, unless you told me so, sir?"

Now what I want to know is, are you an' the others prepared to join me, if I manage to cut your cords an' give you weapons, an' " "Shush! clap a stopper on your mouth, cappen," said Grummidge in an undertone, "the redskins are listening." "An' what then? They know no more about English than I know about Timbuctoosh," returned the captain irascibly. "Let 'em listen!

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