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Updated: August 14, 2024

First we'll come to the monkeys, and the cocoanut trees." "Hones' Massa Tom?" "Surely." And though it was pretty far south for the nimble simians, the next day they did come upon a drove of them skipping about in the tall palm trees. "There they are, Rad! There they are!" cried Ned, as the chattering of the monkeys filled the forest. "By golly! So dey be! Heah's where I get some cocoanuts!"

These things I remember, and likewise sobbing myself to sleep in the four-poster. Often since I have wished that I had questioned Breed of many things on which I had no curiosity then, for he was my chief companion in the weeks that followed. He awoke me bright and early the next day. "Heah's some close o' Marse Nick's you kin wear, honey," he said. "Who is Master Nick?" I asked.

"Yep," piped the boy, shivering; "an heah's them two bag o' mussels, jest whar yuh left 'em." "All right, Jim. I didn't expect they'd be stolen. Now listen to what I say, Jim." "Yas, suh."

Then the two hurried down along the track, piled high with the debris of the runaway freight train. "My! My! This is a terrible wreck!" cried the old man, as the two climbed over the mass of wreckage. "Hi, Perfessor!" called the colored man, suddenly. "I've found something!" "What is it, Washington?" "It's a boy, an' he dead!" "Oh, that's too bad!" "An' heah's another, an' he's dead!

"This heah's yo' chamber," he said, and preceding his companion into the room, placed the candle on a chair. "Well I low I clean forgot something!" cried Hannibal. "If it's yo' bundle and yo' gun, I done fotched 'em up heah and laid 'em on yo' bed," said Eph, preparing' to withdraw.

He had some er de dad-fetchedes' ways I ever see. Does you know 'bout dat chile dat he 'uz gwyne to chop in two?" "Yes, the widow told me all about it." "WELL, den! Warn' dat de beatenes' notion in de worl'? You jes' take en look at it a minute. Dah's de stump, dah dat's one er de women; heah's you dat's de yuther one; I's Sollermun; en dish yer dollar bill's de chile. Bofe un you claims it.

Ev'ry minute hit's kep' away from him'll cost many vallerable lives mebbe help defeat the army." "Tell me quickly, then, what I must do, that I may lose no time in undertaking it." "Well, heah's a plan of the position at sundown of the Rebels. Hit's drawed out moughty roughly but hit'll show jest whar they all are, an' about the number there is at each place.

She saw a man now wild, white, intense as fire, with some terrible cool kind of deadliness in his mien. His left elbow rested upon the bar, and his hand held a glass of red liquor. The big gun, low down in his other hand, seemed as steady as if it were a fixture. "Heah's to thet half-breed Beasley an' his outfit!"

"Missy, heah's a gennelman to see yo'," announced the Negro girl. Allie looked. She thought she saw a tall, buckskin-clad man carrying a heavy pack. Was she dreaming or had she lost her mind? She got up, shaking in every limb. This tall man moved; he seemed real; his bronzed face beamed. He approached; he set the pack down on the bench. Then his keen, clear eyes pierced Allie.

Without another word he led us through a deep hall, and out into a gallery above the trees of a back garden, where a gentleman sat smoking a long pipe. The old negro stopped in front of him. "Marse John," said he, his voice shaking, "heah's Marse Alec done come back." The gentleman got to his feet with a start.

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