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Durdles comes by HIS knowledge through grubbing deep for it, and having it up by the roots when it don't want to come. Holloa you Deputy! 'Widdy! is Deputy's shrill response, standing off again. 'Catch that ha'penny. And don't let me see any more of you to- night, after we come to the Travellers' Twopenny.

Gi' me one ha'penny!" interrupted the sonnet, Angelina threw out some money to the boys, though she was provoked by their interruption: her donation was, in the true spirit of a heroine, much greater than the occasion required and the consequence was, that these urchins, by spreading the fame of her generosity through the town of Cardiffe, collected a Lilliputian mob of petitioners, who assailed Angelina with fresh vehemence.

"Give ye good den, fair sir, and I would say that I come from Kirk Langly, where I ha' sold my shoon and got three shillings sixpence ha'penny for them in as sweet money as ever thou sawest, and honestly earned too, I would ha' thee know. But an I may be so bold, thou pretty fellow, what dost thou there beneath the hedge?"

He wanted her cruel bad, he said, and there was nothin' ailed him, and he wouldn't like to look for blackberries along the hedge or to throw stones for Bran or even to be given a whole ha'penny to go buy himself a grand sugarstick down at the shop he only wanted his mammy. Such was his attitude and refrain all that day and the next.

My putative Russian, still in possession of the rug, let his mild gaze stray over the dingy ornaments of the room. The other drew near, and his umbrella dealt a playful poke at the concave melancholy waistcoat. "A penny ha'penny for your thoughts!" My friend, as I call him, uttered an exclamation, stared, then laid his two hands on the other's shoulders.

You can figure up how much a cheese that tips the steelyard at twenty pounds and three ounces will come to at three pence ha'penny per pound. You know, or you ought to know, the difference between a pistareen and a smooth-faced shilling. When you truck and dicker, you've got to remember that the other feller is doing it all the time, while you will be as green as a pumpkin in August.

"'We 'ad over nine quid each, me and Peter, ses Ginger. 'Where's the rest? "'It's all I've got left, ses Sam; 'every ha'penny. "He 'ad to undress and even take 'is boots off afore they'd believe 'im, and then Ginger took 'is watch and he ses to Peter, 'Lemme see; 'arf of seventeen pounds is eight pounds ten; 'arf of five shillings is 'arf-a- crown; and 'arf of fourpence is twopence.

And now he's dead; and if you was to crowd all the steam-engines and electric fluids that ever was, into this shop, and set 'em every one to work their hardest, they couldn't square the account, though it's only a ha'penny! Mr Sweedlepipe turned aside to the towel, and wiped his eyes with it. 'And what a clever boy he was! he said. 'What a surprising young chap he was!

Epithets of contempt and disgust are too good for you. It is such beasts as you who are creating a popular hatred against us, and souring the feelings of our countrymen. Let the man up instantly; the very position you have him in is enough to kill him, and, if I'm not mistaken, you've killed him already." "Indeed, he's me own property, and it's yerself won't lose a ha'penny if he's kilt.

Prince stood in the doorway with a cat on each shoulder and watched 'im till 'e was out of sight. That night Joe Barlcomb came up to this 'ere Cauliflower public-house, same as he'd been told, and by-and-by, arter he 'ad 'ad a pint, he looked round, and taking a shilling out of 'is pocket put it on the table, and he ses, "Who'll give me a ha'penny for that?" he ses.