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Updated: August 7, 2024

"I know; it's the 'game' bless her sweet heart!" nodded Old Tom, blinking a little. "She told YOU, then, too, about that 'ere game?" "Oh, yes. She told me long ago." The old man hesitated, then went on, his lips twitching a little. "I was growlin' one day 'cause I was so bent up and crooked; an' what do ye s'pose the little thing said?" "I couldn't guess.

"If we could only taste the flavour o' baccy ever so mild," they were wont to say to their comrades, "the craving would be satisfied." To which Isaac Martin, who had no mercy on them, would reply, "If ye hadn't created the cravin' boys, ye wouldn't have bin growlin' and hankerin' after satisfaction." As we have said, McCoy was smoking, perhaps we should say agonising, over his evening pipe.

"What am I growlin' about, when here's a river, mebbe ten thousand miles long that we know next to nothin' 'bout, an' buffalers an' b'ars an' panthers an' deer to shoot, an' red Injuns to fight ez long ez I live. After all, we're shorely mighty lucky to live at the time we do, ez I've said before. Do you think thar'll ever be any times hereafter as interestin' ez ourn, Paul?"

Angel Todd, first mate and quartermaster, filled a black pipe before answering. Then, between the first and second deep puffs, he said: "Growlin' dammum." "At the work?" "Yep, and the grub. And they say the 'tween-deck and forecastle smells o' bedbugs and bilge-water, and they want their grog. 'An ungodly witness scorneth judgment: and the mouth of the wicked devoureth iniquity." Mr.

If yer gifted that way it's easy enough, but real scratchin' an' natural growlin' takes a bit o' doin'." "How's this?" asked Nickie. He scratched himself in approved monkey style, hopped briskly over the stone, then sat up, and growled a deep, guttural growl. "That's it that's it, t' th' life!" cried Bonypart in amazed admiration. "Why, you're er natural born artist, that's what you are.

"Ye liked his whiskey well enough, didn't ye?" his companion asked. "Oh, yes, that's all right, but there wasn't enough of it." "Too much fer you, though. Why, it's gone to ye'r head, an' has made yer tongue like a mill-clapper. Ye'd better shet ye'r mouth or the guy'll hear ye an' take to his heels before we kin lay hands on him." "I ain't talkin' any, am I? Watcher growlin' 'bout?

I ain't seen Doc real mad but twice, but he was mad that day and no mistake. He'd got a new book, an' he set down to read it as soon as he got in the house; but every couple of pages he'd slap it shut and walk up an' down, growlin' to hisself. Oh, but he was riled!

"We're going to get a wettin'," said the man to Jim. "The air's already damp on my face. Thar, do you hear that thunder growlin' in the southwest? Tremenjously like cannon far away, but it's thunder all the same." "What do we care 'bout a wettin', Jim?

"Lod! he's like a wannert thunder-storm, growlin' and grumblin', as if he had got lost frae the rest o' his company. But he seems to hae plenty o' siller anyway," she concluded, "an' he can drink whusky wi' anybody I ever seen try it." By and by a village worthy came in, and he was at once hailed by Black Jock, and invited to have a glass. "What are you drinkin', chappie?" he enquired.

"It's allus best to get an imported foreman, an' not have any jealousy; but confound you, I pay six men on this place foremen's wages an' you're one of 'em." "Six?" sez I. "Yes, I raised Bill Andrews' pay last week. He does more work than any of you, an' he ain't all the time growlin'. He won't never have any friends either, so if I was to choose a foreman he'd be my pick."

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