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Updated: August 15, 2024

Der Com-Pub fleet is just due to pass in refiew abofe der welcoming United Nations combat-squadrons. I haff been gifing them last-minute information and assurance that der domes of force are solid and can hold forefer. I haff a few minutes to spare, which I had intended to defote to der fair Sylva. But what do you wish?" "I'm offering you a bribe," said Thorn, his face a mask.

The man of ambitions by this time had reappeared; he saw the way to the Council of State lying straight before him. And Schmucke? He was busy buying flowers and cakes for Topinard's children, and went home almost joyously. "I am gifing die bresents . . ." he said, and he smiled. It was the first smile for three months, but any one who had seen Schmucke's face would have shuddered to see it there.

I haf a smelter and my gold quartz I make into ingots, refined to the standard purity. So simple, and I am a rich man. "But gold does not bring happiness, my friend Kent." He chuckled ironically at his use of the platitude. "There iss more in life than the ownership of gold. You ask my plans. I haf Babs, now. I am gifing up the Earth world. The mysterious man they know as Frank Rascor will vanish.

"Ya!" said the alderman unsuspectingly, "gifing such a forgetfulness on such easy things as dongolas." "Sure! You tell Dugan what dongolas is, Grevemeyer," said Toole quickly. Grevemeyer looked at his glass thoughtfully. His mind worked slowly always, but he saw that it would not do for him to have knock-out drops so soon after Toole. "Ach!" he exclaimed angrily.

"It isn't everybody who, like you, would stick by his employer at the risk of his neck." "You is more dan my employer, py chiminy, you voss mein friendt," exclaimed Geisler. "I aindt forgot it dot time dat no vun vouldt gif me a chob pecos dey dink I been vun pig vool. Vot didt you do, den? You proved yourself anudder fooll py gifing me a chob. Dink you, den, I run from dis, my dearie-o?

The man of ambitions by this time had reappeared; he saw the way to the Council of State lying straight before him. And Schmucke? He was busy buying flowers and cakes for Topinard's children, and went home almost joyously. "I am gifing die bresents..." he said, and he smiled. It was the first smile for three months, but any one who had seen Schmucke's face would have shuddered to see it there.

"Make quick, blease!" wailed the unhappy scout, who was growing dizzy with all this dangling and turning around. "I hears me der cloth gifing away; or else dot dree, it pe going to preak py der roots. Hurry oop! Get a moof on you, somepody. Subbose I want to make some squash pie down on der rocks?"

Her crandfather wass with his uncle in ta pattle of Killiecrankie after Tundee a creat man, my laty, and he died there; and so tid her cranduncle, for a fillain of a Mackay, from Lord Reay's cursed country where they aalways wass repels, my laty chust as her uncle was pe cutting town ta wicket Cheneral Mackay, turned him round, without gifing no warnings, and killed ta poor man at won plow."

"Yes, for ta von tat'll pe in ta wrong I wish ta fenchence was mine!" he added with a loud sigh. "But the Lord doesn't think any of us fit to be trusted with it, and so keeps it to himself, you see." "Yes, and tat'll pe pecause it 'll pe too coot to be gifing to another. And some people would be waik of heart, and be letting teir enemies co."

In seconds the room was filled with unearthly hoots and wails and whistles. They came from the device into which the paper was feeding, and they poured into the G.C. transmitter. They went on for nearly a minute, and ceased. Kreynborg shut off the transmitter. "My code," he observed comfortably, "gifing der good news to Stalingrad. Everything is going along beautifully.

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