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Updated: August 6, 2024

An apparently irrelevant inquiry, suddenly put, is sometimes confusing, and I fear I did not succeed in convincing Mingo of my unbelief. "Some does en some don't," he continued, "but ez fer me, you kin des put me sorter 'twix' en between. Dey mout be ghos'es en den ag'in dey moutent. Ole nigger like me ain't got no bizness takin' sides, en dat w'at make I say w'at I does.

"Don' yo' go tuh 'spressin' ob you' 'pinion too frequent erbout sperits, chile," warned Uncle Rufus, rolling his eyes again. "Dere may hab been no ghos' in de garret; but dere's ghos'es somewhars ya-as'm. Sho' is!" "I don't really see how we can keep him," said Ruth again. "Oh, sister!" cried Tess. "Poor, dear Billy Bumps!" exclaimed Dot, with an arm around the short, thick neck of the goat.

I bin livin' yer more'n seventy year, an' I year talk er niggers seein' ghos'es all times er night an' all times er day, but I ain't never seed none yit; an' deze yer flags an' Jacob's lathers, I ain't seed dem, nudder." "Dey er dar, Brer Remus." "Hit's des like I tell you, Brer Ab.

And for quiet humour modern literature has few happier scenes than the fireside at the "Rainbow," with Macey and Winthrop, the butcher and the farrier, over their pipes and their hot potations, and the quarrel about "seeing ghos'es," about smelling them!

"Did you ever see any ghos'es down there Mammy?" asked John Jay with eager interest, yet cautiously lowering his voice and taking a step nearer. "No," admitted Mammy, "but oldah people than I have seen 'em. All night long there's great white gandahs flappin' round through that thicket 'thout any heads on.

And as for ghosts, I have more than a lurking sympathy with the farrier in "Silas Marner." "'If ghos'es want me to believe in 'em, let 'em leave off skulking i' the dark and i' lone places let 'em come where there's company and candles! "'As if ghos'es 'u'd want to be believed in by anybody so ignorant! said Mr.

Arter so long I got tired er whoopin' en hollerin', en I went ter de nighest house en borrer'd a chunk, en built me a fier by de side er de road, en I set dar en nod twel I git sleepy, en den I pull my blanket 'cross my head en quile up en w'en I do dat, hit's good-bye, Mingo! "Boss," said Mingo, after a little pause, "you don't b'leeve in no ghos'es en sperrits, does you?"

Hello, Dot, ready?" The two girls started off down the path and Mrs. Rose watched them go with a sad heart. She knew how disappointed they were, after all their trouble to make the cake, and she couldn't imagine what had become of it. "I can't believe any of the girls came and took it," she said to Maria. "No, ma'am, dat dey didn't! dat cake was sperrited away by ghos'es. Dat's what it was!"

If ghos'es want me to believe in 'em, let 'em leave off skulking i' the dark and i' lone places let 'em come where there's company and candles." "As if ghos'es 'ud want to be believed in by anybody so ignirant!" said Mr. Macey, in deep disgust at the farrier's crass incompetence to apprehend the conditions of ghostly phenomena.

I say, as I'm ready to wager any man ten pound, if he'll stand out wi' me any dry night in the pasture before the Warren stables, as we shall neither see lights nor hear noises, if it isn't the blowing of our own noses. That's what I say, and I've said it many a time; but there's nobody 'ull ventur a ten-pun' note on their ghos'es as they make so sure of."

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