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"Well, my poor dear child," she said, "I am glad to find you so reasonable. If the service I did you was rather harsh," she added, pressing the hand she held, and feeling a desire to rend it as her fingers felt its softness and delicacy, "it shall at least be thorough. Listen to me, I know the character of the Gars; he meant to deceive you; he neither can nor will marry any woman except " "Ah!"

At a little distance two other officers seemed to be trying to teach a few Chouans, more intelligent than the rest, to handle two cannon, which apparently formed the whole artillery of the royalist army. Shouts hailed the coming of the gars of Marignay, who were recognized by their banner.

What gars ye suppose a lass could hae her wull o' me in sic a w'y 's you? No 'at I believe ony lass wad behave like that! It's no like yersel' to fancy sae ill o' yer ain kin'! I'm sure ye didna discover thae things i' yerain hert! There's nae sic a lass." "What maitter whether there be sic a lass or no, sae lang as gien there was ane, she wad be ower muckle for ye?"

The eyes of Madame du Gua, flashing with joy, turned from the marquis to Mademoiselle de Verneuil, who was speechless with surprise. The Republican officers, uneasy in mind, questioned each other's thoughts as they awaited the result of this extraordinary scene. In a moment the forks remained inactive in every hand, silence reigned, and every eye was turned to the Gars.

'That twang carries me back to King Harry's tent, and the good old time when an Englishman's sword was respected. ''Tis the very harp, said Sir Patrick; 'ay, and the very tune 'Come, Elleen, begin. What gars thee loiter in that doited way? insisted Jean. 'Come, "Up atween." And, led by her sister in spite of herself, almost, as it were, without volition, Eleanor's sweet pathetic voice sang

Take care of yourselves; the war has begun. Adieu, friends." Then, turning to the prisoner, he asked, "What's the name of your general?" "The Gars." "Who? Marche-a-Terre?" "No, the Gars." "Where does the Gars come from?" To this question the prisoner, whose face was convulsed with suffering, made no reply; he took out his beads and began to say his prayers.

"Not very much, my dear count," replied the Gars. "Will they ever be fit to manoeuvre before the enemy?" "Never." "Can they understand or execute an order?" "No." "Then what good will they be to you?" "They will help me to plunge my sword into the entrails of the Republic," replied the marquis in a thundering voice. "They will give me Fougeres in three days, and all Brittany in ten!

Coffee never tastes so good as just after morning watch, and I turned in at once, while young Torode proceeded to make sure that Black Boy should not make off while he was inside. Aunt Jeanne's brown old face creased up into something like a very large wink as we went up the path, and she said softly, "First pig in trough gets first bite. You'll enjoy a cup of coffee at all events, mon gars.

Two of them came home hurt from their last trip, and she's gone to take care of them. And now, tell me what you are going to do about it, mon gars?" she asked briskly, when I had taken a drink of the cider. "About what then, Aunt Jeanne?" "Tuts, boy! Am I going blind? What are an old woman's eyes for if not to watch the goings-on of the young ones? You want our Carette. Of course you do.

'Il etait une fois un pauvre gars Qui aimait celle qui ne l'aimait pas'? ... 'Le coeur de ta mere pour mon chien." He thinks I lied. "You ought to read Henri de Regnier and Remy de Gourmont. You'd like them." ... Le coeur de ta mere. He thinks I lied. Goodness knows what he doesn't think. The end of it would come at nine o'clock. "Are you still angry?" He laughed.