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Drawing himself up in the unconscious majesty of success, Donal Grant looked down upon Gibbie, but with eyes of admiration. "Haith, cratur!" he said, "ye're mair o' a man nor ye'll luik this saven year! What garred ye rin upo' the deevil's verra horns that gait?" Gibbie stood smiling. "Gien't hadna been for my club we wad baith be owre the mune 'gain this time. What ca' they ye, man?"

Whenever the singin' began ye wudda heard a preen fa'. "There was a lad was born in Kyle," juist nearhand garred Sandy jump aff his seat. He cud hardly keep his feet still, an' he noddit his heid frae side to side, an' leuch, like's he was some noo-married king drivin' awa' throo the streets o' London till his honeymune.

At some o' the lines o' the "Macgregor's Gaitherin'" it was like the wind thunderin' doon Glen Tanner, or the Rooshyan guns at Sebastypool. I cudna help frae notisin' hoo it garred a'body sit straucht up.

Hate me not rancorously because of that I did with thee; for he who hath power and forgiveth, his reward Allah giveth; even as saith the poet, 'Sow kindness-seed in the unfittest stead; * 'Twill not be wasted whereso thou shalt sow: For kindness albe buried long, yet none * Shall reap the crop save sower who garred it grow."

I saw the whole thing in a blink, but never lut wink, an' Sandy was fient a hair the better or the waur o' Meg's man's mistak'. We got a grand denner something specific. "This is a kind o' a haiver o' buff, Mistress Blair," said Sandy, when we got set doon; but I gae him a kick throo ablo the table that garred him tak' his tongue atween his teeth.

"Wha was sayin' onything aboot merryin' or giein' in merriage, Robert? Is that to say 'at you an' me's to be no more to ane anither nor ither fowk? Nor it's no to say 'at, 'cause merriage is no the w'y o' the country, 'at there's to be naething better i' the place o' 't." "What garred the Maister say onything aboot it than?" "A body micht think it wad be left to hersel' to say," suggested Robert.

"I 'll gang wi' ye direckly," said Malcolm. In a few minutes they were riding fast along the road to Kirkbyres, neither with much to say to the other, for Malcolm distrusted every one about the place, and Tom was by nature taciturn. "What garred them sen' for me div ye ken?" asked Malcolm at length, when they had gone about halfway. "He cried oot upo' ye i' the nicht," answered Tom.

"I kenna hoo I never thoucht o' sic a thing afore," answered Janet, leaning her broom against the wall, and dusting a chair for her visitor; "but this mornin', whan my man an' me was sittin' at oor brakfast, there cam' sic a clap o' thunner, 'at it jist garred the bit hoosie trim'le; an' doon fell a snot o' soot intil the very spune 'at my man was cairryin' till's honest moo.

You Quaker folk are but fause comforters; but since ye have garred me drink sae muckle cauld yill me that am no used to the like of it in the forenoon I think ye might as weel have offered me a glass of brandy or usquabae I'm nae nice body I can drink onything that's wet and toothsome. 'Not a drop at my cost, friend, quoth Geddes.

Shargar was right under the lamp, the man to the side of it, so that Shargar was shadowed by its frame, and the man was in its full light. The latter turned away, and passing Robert, went into the inn. 'Wha's that? asked Robert. 'I dinna ken, answered Shargar. 'He spak to me or ever I kent he was there, and garred my hert gie sic a loup 'at it maist fell into my breeks.