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Updated: August 25, 2024

"Na, Grannie," answered Cosmo, "he never tellt me what ye hae tellt me noo. He did tell me 'at there was sic a man, an' the ill en' he cam til; an' I think he was jist gaein' on to tell me mair, whan Grizzie cam to say the denner was ready. That was only yesterday or the day afore, I'm thinkin', by this time. But what think ye could hae been in's held wi' yon jingle aboot the horsie?"

Come awa', nichts an' mornin's, Ye are wings o' a michty span! For I ken he's luikin' an' waitin', Luikin' aye doon as I clim': Wad I hae him see me sit greitin', I'stead o' gaein' to him? I'll step oot like ane sure o' a meetin', I'll traivel an' rin to him. Three of them knew that the verses were Donal's.

"Saunders wesna tae live through the nicht, but he's livin' this meenut, an' like to live. "He's got by the warst clean and fair, and wi' him that's as good as cure. "It' ill be a graund waukenin' for Bell; she 'ill no be a weedow yet, nor the bairnies fatherless. "There's nae use glowerin' at me, Drumsheugh, for a body's daft at a time, an' a' canna contain masel, and a'm no gaein' tae try."

And ye min' hoo he stude 'atween are far waur nor her, and the ill men that would fain hae shamet her, and sent them oot like sae mony tykes thae gran' Pharisees wi their tails tuckit in 'atween their legs! Sair affrontit they war, doobtless! But I maun be gaein, mem, for we're no vera like to agree!

A second after he spoke MacIan heard a heavy voice on the other side of the wall, saying: "I suppose I'd better get over and look for them. Give me a back." "Cabby," said MacIan, again assuming the most deliberate and lingering lowland Scotch intonation, "if ye're really verra anxious to ken whar a' come fra', I'll tell ye as a verra great secret. A' come from Scotland. And a'm gaein' to St.

Hafflins I think that where I'm gaein' to there'll be gray dogs sneakin' around me in the twilight. And they're aye behind and behind, and I canna, canna " Teddy Bolstock interrupted, lifting his hand for silence. "D'yo' hear thot? Thunder!" They listened; and from without came a gurgling, jarring roar, horrible to hear. "It's comin' nearer!" "Nay, it's goin' away!" "No thunder thot!"

Innes had made up his mind as to whether the old lady intended a personal rebuke. 'Hae, grannie, he said, going up to her, and putting the two sovereigns in her white palm. He had found some difficulty in making Shargar give up his, else he would have returned sooner. 'What's this o' 't, laddie? said Mrs. Falconer. 'Hoots! I'm nae gaein' to tak yer siller. Lat the puir soutar-craturs hae 't.

When he returned with it, he found Ericson and Miss St. John talking together. Ericson led the way, and the others followed. 'Whaur are ye gaein', gentlemen? asked the guard, as they passed the coach. 'To the auld hoose, answered Robert. 'Ye canna do better. I maun bide wi' the coch till the lave gang back to Drumheid wi' the horses, on' fess anither pole.

"Sit doon this moment, I tell ye!" repeated Marion imperiously. "Ye hae no business there! I'm gaein til 'im mysel!" And with the word she left the room. Peter laid down his spoon, then half rose, staring bewildered, and followed his wife from the room. "Oh my baby! my baby!" cried Isy, finding herself alone. "If only I had you to take my part!

He didna quench the smokin' flax. There's little fire aboot me, but surely I ken in my ain hert some o' the risin' smoke o' the sacrifice. Eh! sic words as they are! An' he was gaein' doon to the grave himsel', no half my age, as peacefu', though the road was sae rouch, as gin he had been gaein' hame till 's father. 'Sae he was, returned Robert.

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