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By thunder! 'tis a merry sight to see the Moors run. The very look of a cutlass a'most turns 'un white, and they well-nigh drops down dead if they see a sailor man. Why, t'other day at Budge Budge they ought to call it Fudge Fudge now, seems to me the Jack tars went ashore about nightfall to help the lobsters storm the fort in the dark.

I'm the heroine of the hour! Who went on your desperate and dangerous errand, I'd like to know! Who got permission to invite your old Coriell man to tea? Come, now, declare the fudge party a feast in my honour, or call it off!" "It is! it is!" laughed Alicia. "To the victor belong the spoils.

They were the kangaroo, the wallabies, a big black Orpington "rooster," Fudge the parrot, Caesar the cockatoo, Mrs. Brown's big yellow cat, Tim, and the "turloise." "Eight," said Harry laconically. The starters were all mustered in one enclosure, and were on the worst of terms. "We'll need more jockeys if you call 'em jockeys."

So I laughed and I've been laughing gloriously ever since at myself, at the infidel, at the entire neighbourhood. "Fudge!" I said. We're all poor sinners! Sunday afternoon, June 9. We had a funeral to-day in this community and the longest funeral procession, Charles Baxter says, he has seen in all the years of his memory among these hills. A good man has gone away and yet remains.

"Fudge!" returned the old man, getting really excited; "a jackass of a fellow as ain't fit to hold a candle to our Archie? Never you fear, Molly, there'll nothing come of that; I'd sooner see her in her coffin first!" "But you take it hard, man," answered his wife.

The two withdrew to the kitchen to make candy and there Lydia's surprise and pleasure gave way to suspicion. Kent seemed to want to talk for the most part about Margery! "Hasn't she grown to be a beauty," he said, beating the fudge briskly. "She always was beautiful," replied Lydia, who was cracking walnuts. "Didn't we use to hate her though! Well, she was the whiniest little snip!"

Dale mildly interjected, "She would stay away for his sake, if she did not really want to come." To which Mrs. Dale responded, "Fudge!" Miss Deborah also spoke of her absence to Lois. "Sorry dear Helen is not here, but of course Gifford will see her to-night. He does so enjoy his evenings with her. Well, they are both young and I have my thoughts!"

"Just a letter to your brother," he explained. Then he became profanely impassioned. "Fudge! Fudge and double fudge! Scissors and white aprons! Prunes and apricots! No! That war won't be stopped by any magazine! Go on fight your fool head off! Don't let any magazine keep you back!" "Yes, sir," said Wilbur. "They can't stop the war, because there are too many boys like you all over this land.

She was a frivolous, light-minded girl. She was a bad influence for Arthur. Yet, when it came time for the "crowd" to disperse and Arthur told her good night as though nothing had happened, Missy deemed it only consistent with dignity to maintain extreme reserve. "Oh, fudge, Missy! Don't be so stand-offish!"

Fudge is too soft. It would get all mussed up with what Jack and I have planned to do to it." "What is that?" asked Bessie Gleason. "You haven't told us yet. How are you going to get anything to Harry through those horrid German lines?" "We're not going through the German lines we're going above 'em; in an aeroplane.