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An' thin, at last, ye fergit all about it till the nixt wan happens along. Och I haven't had a sphell fer months! This is an awful dull place. I think I'll be quittin' it soon." "Oh, no, no, Mary Ellen!" I cried, alarmed, "you mustn't leave us! When Jane and I get married you can come and live with us." I blushed furiously. "And who might Jane be?" demanded Mary Ellen, suspiciously.

Too late she remembered her instructions. "'Fore de Lawd!" she cried in consternation, "ef I ain't done fergit dat pan ag'in!" Sandy, left alone in the dining-room, was listening with every nerve a-quiver for the sound of Ruth's voice. The thought that she was here under the same roof with him sent the blood bounding through his veins.

"The parson could go no further, fer the men set up sich a shoutin' an' a laughin' that ye couldn't hear yerself speak. "Then he gave them a look I'll never fergit, full of scorn and pity. I never thought a man could look that way. He straightened himself up, an' turned to the chairman. "I'll go, says he, 'I'll hit the trail. I'll leave ye. But remember, I'll come back when I git ready.

"But dese waffles are col', chile, an' I know how fond men are of eatin'. Nuffin' kin make dem fergit dere stummicks." Smiling at the colored woman's worries, Jean at once set to work to renew the fire. There were a few hot coals, so by the time the men arrived, she had the fire burning brightly, and Mammy was preparing to cook an extra supply of waffles. Colonel Sterling was a fine looking man.

'G'way fum yer, Dave, says I. 'Yer ain' wearin' no ham no mo'; try en fergit 'bout dat; 't ain' gwine ter do yer no good fer ter 'member it. "Look a-yer, Julius, sezee, 'kin yer keep a secret? "'Co'se I kin, Dave, says I. 'I doan go roun' tellin' people w'at yuther folks says ter me. "'Kin I trus' yer, Julius? Will yer cross yo' heart? "I cross' my heart.

"In course I haint got none ... in the cabin ..." he glanced quickly at Donald, "an' I didn't mean nothin', Smiles. Come, swing yo'r cheer erround ter the table, Judd, we'll jest fergit the eeliments, an' enjoy a dry celebration in the doctor's honor ... all 'cept Judd, he air plenty wet," he added, in a jocose attempt to turn his mistake into a jest.

'I'll never fergit, said he presently, 'if I live a thousan' years, the lickin' I gin thet boy; but it hurt me worse'n it hurt him. Then he told the story of the blue beech. The next day was that 'cold Friday' long remembered by those who felt its deadly chill a day when water thrown in the magic air came down in clinking crystals, and sheaths of frost lay thick upon the windows.

He was bending over the fire, and when he straightened she saw that he held something in his hand ... a long bar of metal, white at the shaped end. At once her memory showed her a broad glow of sunset falling over Pierre at work. "There'll be stock all over the country marked with them two bars," he had said. "The Two-Bar Brand, don't you fergit it!" She was not likely to forget it now.

"Does hev a ruther squeaky luk tew it," said he. "All we got t' dew is t' keep breathin' jest es nat'ral 'n' easy es can be till we fergit how. May fool 'em fust they know." I had a high notion, those days, of the duty of a soldier. My father had always told me there was no greater glory for anybody than that of a brave death. Somehow the feeling got to be part of me.

"What dew they call that air tune box?" inquired Israel Goodrich. "I've hearn tell but I kinder fergit. It's some Frenchified soundin name." "It's a pianner," said Obadiah. "I guess peeanner's nigher right," observed Peleg critically. "My gal hearn the Edwards gal call it peeanner." "They ain't nuther of ye in a mile o' right.