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With utmost caution Lennon slipped his arm from the sling, drew Farley's revolver, and barricaded himself behind the chair. Slade shuffled nearer so near that his whiskey-poisoned breath struck in Lennon's face. Again came a thud and a curse. The prowler had stubbed his stockinged toe against a chair leg. Lennon aimed the revolver toward the sound, in expectation of an upflaring match.

"Yes, sir." "And there's no fire?" "None that I know of, sir." "Mister, what's your name?" "Farley, sir." "Then, Farley, sir, come and get hugged." In truth a lot of fuss was made over that young midshipman within a few seconds. "It can't do much harm to use you something like a human being and a comrade, anyway," declared Time-keeper Clafflin, as he wrung both of Farley's hands.

Jetson's retraction or apology could be made any more explicit. I trust to see Mr. Farley's motion, seconded by Mr. Jetson has been restored to the fullest measure of class and brigade fellowship." "Any further remarks?" questioned the class president, when Darrin had seated himself. "If not, I will state the motion."

Knowing diplomacy only by name, Caleb Gordon had gone directly to Dyckman for information regarding the Farleys' movements. Dyckman was polite to the general manager, but unhappily he knew nothing of Mr. Farley's plans. Caleb tried elsewhere, and the little mystery thickened. At his club, Mr.

It is not until the plebe becomes a "youngster" that the "mister" is dropped for the more friendly social address. Farley's seconds were kneeling at his side now. "Can you bring him out easily?" asked Midshipman Tyson, going over to the defeated man's seconds. "He's pretty soundly asleep, just now," put in Midshipman Trotter. "My, but that was a fearful crack you gave your man, mister!"

Farley to her, and has written down Farley's name for a lot of dances on Laura's card." "Farley is a nice fellow," Dave replied. "But why didn't Dan want more of the dances with Laura, instead of turning them over to Mr. Farley?" followed up Belle. "And -there he goes now." "Farley?" "No, stupid! Dan." "Well, why shouldn't he move about?" Midshipman Darrin inquired.

"I'll tell yer," spoke Zibe Turner, and his monkeyish face lit up with a smile almost diabolical and his piercing black eyes shot a keen and excited look into the group, "I hearn that he has an appintment next Chewsday night at de top of Bald Knob, and to go there from his home he will have to take de Pigeon Crick road, cross de crick at Farley's and then branch off inter de big woods before he climbs de knob.

"So there are two of them, are there? That's why no woman in Mr. Farley's country colony is at home to me any more, I suppose." And then, still more bitterly: "Of course, you are all sure of this? Nan has at last confessed that I am the guilty man?" "You know she has not, Tom. Her loyalty is still as strong and true at it is mistaken. But your duty remains."

He put his hand to the pocket that held Farley's revolver and turned to face Slade. The trader's weapon was already back in its holster. His stained teeth showed in a wide grin. "May I ask what you mean by shooting at me?" demanded Lennon. Slade's mirth burst out in a roar of laughter. "Shooting at you shooting now?" he jibed when he could speak. "You must figger I'm plumb loco.

Chow Hop had kept his hands up inside his wide sleeves. Now Farley leaped forward as he shouted: "Look out, Darry! He has a knife!" Farley attempted to seize the Chinaman's wrist, for the purpose of disarming the yellow man, but Dave swiftly threw the Chinaman around out of Farley's reach. Then, with a lightning-like move, Dave knocked the knife from Chow Hop's hand.