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Updated: August 25, 2024

"The pains I take to spell out the words would stand greatly in the way of my enj'yin' any immorality if I was to stumble across it. What part of Scripture, pa, is it that deals with sech doin's?" "They crop up powerful thick in Kings, son, but I've found 'em when I looked sharp in Leviticus."

"I thank ye, sir," said Hezekiah heartily. "I call that mighty kind of ye, specially as there are them that thinks we're too old ter be enj'yin' of anythin'." "Old? Of course you're not too old! Why, you're just in the prime to enjoy things," cried the handsome man, and in the sunshine of his dazzling smile the hearts of the little old man and woman quite melted within them.

Wasn't 'spectin; jis' sich a turn o' things. Respects, missus! Sorry to see yer enj'yin' poor health." "Yes, Jonathan, Mrs. Holcroft has been sick, but she's much better and will soon be well. She's very tired now from the long drive, but quiet life and country air will soon make her strong. I'll just step out and care for the horses, Alida, and soon be back again.

Luck's sweet; an' some likes, an' it may be as he likes to give his childer a taste o' sweets now an' again, just as you and me, that is when we can afford it, an' that's not often, likes to give ourn a bull's-eye or a suck of toffy. I don't doubt he likes to see us enj'yin' of ourselves just as well as we like to see our little uns enj'yin' o' theirselves! It stands to reason, wife don't it?"

As old Jonathan Johnson said, you were 'enj'yin' poor health. Do you know what he said when I took him off so he wouldn't put you through the catechism?" "No," she replied, with a deprecating smile and rising color. "He said he was 'afeared I'd been taken in, you were such a sickly lookin' critter. Ha! Ha! Wish he might see you now, with that flushed face of yours.

Errol asked Mary to find her little boy and bring him to her, and Mary told her where he was. "Sure I'll foind him aisy enough, ma'am," she said; "for it's wid Mr. Hobbs he is this minnit, settin' on his high shtool by the counther an' talkin' pollytics, most loikely, or enj'yin' hisself among the soap an' candles an' pertaties, as sinsible an' shwate as ye plase." "Mr.

Haven't I kept th' shopkeepers iv th' town beyant fr'm starvin' be thradin' with thim an' stayin' in this cur-rsed counthry, whin, if I'd done what me wife wanted, I'd been r-runnin' around Europe, enj'yin' life? I'm a risidint landlord. I ain't like Kilduff, that laves his estate in th' hands iv an agint. I'm proud iv me station. I was bor-rn here, an' here I'll die; but I'll have me r-rights.

"My friends and I thought we'd just drop around. Ain't you glad, Beacraft, old buck?" "Not very," said Beacraft. "Not very!" echoed Mount, in apparent dismay and sorrow. "Ain't you enj'yin' good health, Beacraft?" "I'm well, but I'm busy," said the man, slowly. "So are we, so are we," cried Mount, with a brisk laugh.

"He asked me to read his son's letter to him, for he is not apt, it would appear, in deciphering writing; and, indeed, it was more or less hieroglyphical, then gazed for a few moments at the dilapidated crew, dilapidated as to health, I mean; for they are clean and decent, and fairly respectable looking, and said, 'Well, ye do all seem to be enj'yin' a powerful lot of poor health among ye. Then he turned into the house, saying that he must 'see what mother said, giving neither word of welcome nor refusal to admit the claim of the strangers; and presently Mrs.

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