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'That means that you would have to pay sevenpence per year if we had a halfpenny rate. Wouldn't it be worth sevenpence a year to you to know that there were no starving children in the town? 'Why should I 'ave to 'elp to keep the children of a man who's too lazy to work, or spends all 'is money on drink? shouted Crass. ''Ow are yer goin' to make out about the likes o' them?

Anyway, she handed me back the note which I had endeavoured to press into her warm, moist palm. 'I'm not wantin' this. I'm not goin' to take blood money to 'elp to break any woman's 'eart. It sounded really terrible viewed in that light. 'There is no need for you to put it in that coarse way, I said, my temper rising.

"Now, suppose I'd been a lady in a delicate state o' health you'd ha' made me very ill with your doings." "I wish I 'ad. 'Ere! 'Elp! 'Elp! Hi!" The man had seen a constable in uniform fifty yards ahead, where a lane ran into the road, and would have said more but that Hinchcliffe jerked her up that lane with a wrench that nearly capsized us as the constable came running heavily.

Then, as I passed, she gave me a nice smile and shook 'er little fist at the cook, wot 'ad got 'is back towards 'er. I smiled back, o' course, and by and by she put her book down and climbed on to the side o' the ship and held out her 'and for me to 'elp her ashore. "'I'm so tired of the ship, she ses, in a soft voice; 'it's like a prison. Don't you get, tired of the wharf?

"You give me a start," he ses, at last. "I thought you was both in bed, and, knowing 'ow hard worked Mr. Smith 'as been, I just came round to 'elp 'im keep watch like. I promised to 'elp you, Mr. Cutts, if you remember." "Wot was that you threw in the pond just now?" ses Mr. Cutts. "A sack," ses Bob Pretty; "a sack I found in Farmer Hall's field.

'No, 'e wasn't drunk, said the little man loyally, 'the liquor was no more than feelin' its way round inside of 'im; but 'e went an' filled that 'ole bloomin' palanquin with bottles 'fore 'e went off. 'E's gone an' 'ired six men to carry 'im, an' I 'ad to 'elp 'im into 'is nupshal couch, 'cause 'e wouldn't 'ear reason.

"No, I bet she don't," Ford answered, taking his pipe from his mouth and holding it low in his hand. "I know 'Anner. 'Ow d' you find 'er? Do she make ye clean the winders?" "Well," Simmons admitted, uneasily, "I I do 'elp 'er sometimes, o' course." "Ah! An' the knives too, I bet, an' the bloomin' kittles. I know.

"You don't have to do no fightin', 'Ogan," explained Galton, "you simply stand by and 'old up for your man, an' 'elp fan 'im 'twixt rounds." "Rounds!" exclaimed the disgusted Irishman. "I thought they were choosin' sides for a free-for-all." Caradoc began methodically stripping to the waist and Greer followed suit. The Englishman presented his watch to Madden with a slight bow.

Bert Simmons sat on one side of Emily and Joseph the other, and the cook couldn't 'elp feeling sorry for 'er, seeing as he did that sometimes she was 'aving both hands squeezed at once under the table and could 'ardly get a bite in edgeways. Old Bill lit his pipe arter supper, and then, taking another glass o' beer, he told 'em about the cook dreaming of his accident three days afore it happened.

I wouldn' be surprised if yer got acrorss termorrer." He went on unwinding the bandage, but the man began to shout and struggle again. Thereupon the surgeon intervened: "For God's sake be quiet. Pull yourself together and don't make such a fuss." "I can't 'elp it, sir I couldn't never stick no pain, sir, no, sir, never, sir it's very painful, sir, very painful.