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Updated: August 5, 2024

Egad, if she could be painted as she looked to-day by Reynolds or Gainsborough, 'twould set more than my blood glowing! There's a prize, Joggles! Beauty, wealth, and freedom, all in one. She'd be worth a tilt, too, if for nothing but the sport of it.

"Faith, no! It's not so bad as that. But ye'll have to pretend ye are for the present, or, egad, ye will be before ye've done. We brought ye to the Musgraves' shanty. Mrs. Musgrave wanted the care of ye. Damn' quare taste on her part, I'm thinking. And now ye're not to talk any more; but drink this stuff like a good boy and go to sleep."

With which he embraces her with a very dismal face, and groans in a way that might move a heart of stone even of philosopher's stone. "Egad," says the old gentleman, "that reminds me this bustle put it out of my head there was a figure wrong. He'll live to a green old age eighty-seven at least!" "How much, Sir?" cries Tom. "Eighty-seven!" says the old gentleman.

Yes! those Italians are absurd: they never were a people: never agreed. Egad! the only place they're fit for is the stage. Art! if you like. They know all about colouring canvas, and sculpturing. I don't deny 'em their merits, and I don't mind listening to their squalling, now and then: though, I'll tell you what: have you ever noticed the calves of those singers? I mean, the men.

"I declare," cried Miss Louisa, "I never saw any thing so monstrous in my life! it's quite abominable;-I fancy the man's mad;-I'm sure he has given me a shocking fright!" Soon after, Mrs. Selwyn came up stairs with Lord Merton. The former, advancing hastily to me, said, "Miss Anville, have you an almanack?" "Me?-no, Madam." "Who has one, then?" "Egad," cried Mr.

By the time the young ladies reached Kensington turnpike, Amelia had not forgotten her companions, but had dried her tears, and had blushed very much and been delighted at a young officer of the Life Guards, who spied her as he was riding by, and said, "A dem fine gal, egad!" and before the carriage arrived in Russell Square, a great deal of conversation had taken place about the Drawing-room, and whether or not young ladies wore powder as well as hoops when presented, and whether she was to have that honour: to the Lord Mayor's ball she knew she was to go.

You may come, with all my heart, with one condition only that you do not ask my business." "Done!" cried Nick. "Davy, I was always sure of you; you are the one fixed quantity in my life. To St. Louis, eh, and to New Orleans? Egad, what havoc we'll make among the Creole girls. May I bring my nigger? He'll do things for you too." "By all means," said I, laughing, "only hurry."

"I dare be sworn, there was not a six foot Kentuckian of the whole American army active enough to come within a mile of him," added Molineux. "And yet, considering the speed he made, he seems to have lost but little of his flesh," said St. Clair. "Of course," chuckled Middlemore, "these long fellows come from Troy county in Ohio." "Egad, I don't know; why do you ask?"

"Egad, old fellow!" he exclaimed, in low tones, "I'm glad to see you, though you have taken us rather by surprise. I'll not take back a word of the promise I made you, nor of what I've said about you, either." "I did not think you would, Hugh," Harold replied, grasping the proffered hand heartily; "I had a great deal of faith in you and in your word.

Egad, we'll make a night on't!" And soon they spied the merry-men green, And eke the coach and four. Duke upon Duke. CRAIGENGELT set forth on his mission so soon as his equipage was complete, prosecuted his journey with all diligence, and accomplished his commission with all the dexterity for which bucklaw had given him credit. As he arrived with credentials from Mr.

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