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Updated: August 26, 2024

Astonishment, surprise and disappointment were so great for a few seconds after the discovery that the best part of the party the ice cream was gone, that no one knew what to say. Then Flossie burst out with: "Are you sure, Dinah? Maybe it fell off the porch." "Deed an' it didn't, honey gal. I done looked eberywhar fo' dat freezer, an' it's jest gone complete."

Didn't you find any trace at all of Jack?" "Not de slightest, missus. Old Ben looked eberywhar, too 'deed I did, missus." "I do not doubt you, Ben. But this is terrible. Jack must be somewhere." "Dat's so, too, missus." "Were there any signs of violence about?" asked Marion. "Any any blood, for example?" "Some blood at de stable. Miss Marion.

He was aroun' 'mong de woun'ed, an' seein' ter buryin' de dead, an' postin' an' arrangin' his men; deed, an' was all ober eberywhar. "By dis time de ebenin' was growin' dark, de woun'ed and been cared for, an' our ossifers an' de Linkum ossifers sat down to supper; an' dey talk an' larf as if dey was good fren's.

"What ye t'inkin' ob, Hagar, to tell him dat? Dar's all poor Mas'r Noll's books an' t'ings lyin' 'bout eberywhar, an' how ken de poor chile stan' it? De Lord's han' is heaby upon him, an', O good Lord Jesus, jes' come an' bress de poor chile an' sabe him!" He found it at last, the peace which comes after a long, weary, despairing struggle. But it was not easily won.

Den an' officer man done got me, an' put me diggin' in de trenches. Ef dat's what wah am, I sho' don' want no mo' wah. Den after dat I jest natchally drifted. I reckon I libbed 'bout eberywhar yo' ebber heard ob, fo' dar want no use ob me goin' back to de East Sho'. Somebody said dat de West am de right place fo' a nigger, an' so I done headed west."

Eli, trembling violently, and of the ashen hue that a negro takes in terror, tried to answer, but at first there came only jabbered and meaningless words. He fell on his knees, and finally became coherent. "Marse Fair Marse Fair ain' I done lif' you bofe in dese ahms w'en you wuz jes' little fellers he er lot de oldes' an' you nuttin' but er baby, toddlin' after him eberywhar he went!

"Ho yis, massa, plenty ob rubbers eberywhar," said Quashy, with a nod, "more nor 'nuff ob dem. You see, massa, Chili an' Proo's a-fightin' wid each oder jus' now. What dey's fightin' about no mortial knows; an', what's more, nobody cares. I s'pose one say de oder's wrong an' de oder say de one's say not right.

"But you wouldn't want me to stay and bother Aunt Kirsty in the kitchen all my life, now, would you, Mammy Viney? I thought men were a nuisance there." "Men's jus' a trouble eberywhar," she said sternly. "Dat Mahogany Bill he was jus' like all de res', an' here you doin' de same, goin' off an' leabin' folks in de lurch, with all de hard work to do. I'se shame of you dat I is!"

ASTONISHMENT, surprise and disappointment were so great for a few seconds after the discovery that the best part of the party the ice cream was gone, that no one knew, what to say. Then Flossie burst out with: "Are you sure, Dinah? Maybe it fell off the porch." "Deed an' it didn't, honey gal. I done looked eberywhar fo' dat freezer, an' it's jest gone complete."

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