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"'Eas fai! and so he is, my Lady, and a terrible job they had to bury mun thunder, lightning and hailstones so big as sloes. Dead he is, and I won't jidge mun but not afore he'd a doed the mischief, for but three weeks afterward my pig falls into the mill-leat.

Yaller gal fine; She may be yone but she oughter be mine! Hi my rinktum! Lemme git by, En see w'at she mean by de cut er dat eye! Ho my Riley! better shet dat do' De w'ite folks 'll bleeve we er t'arin up de flo'. Den it's ho my Riley! Come a siftin' up ter me! En it's hi my rinktum! Dis de way ter twis' yo' knee! Hi my rinktum! Ain't de eas' gittin' red?

"Yo' don' know no one kin guess or comperhen' what des bein' white would mean ter me! Lawd! Lawd!" he says, his voice soft-spoken, but more eager than ever as he went on, and pleading something pitiful to hear, "des think of all de Caucasian blood in me! Gawd knows de nights er my youth I'se laid awake twell de dawn come red in de Eas' a-cryin' out ter Him only fo' ter be white!

"Just a moment!" said Phyllis; and sent him upstairs with a note asking for "Hugh Wynne" in the two-volume edition. She was used to translating that small colored boy's demands. Last week he had described to her a play he called "Eas' Limb", with the final comment, "But it wan't no good. 'Twant no limb in it anywhar, ner no trees atall!" "Do you have much of that?" Mr. De Guenther asked idly.

For me, in those days, each close that pierced the tall lands was as wide and high as a mountain eas, the street itself seemed broad and substantial, crowded with people worth kenning for their graces and the many things they knew.

Idem quoque judicium esse potest de translatione per caminum. Siquidem si caverna igniflua justae amplitudinis est ut nullo impedimento et haesitatione corpus humanum eam perrepere possit, diabolo impossibile non esse per eam eas educere.

Their private history presents no lesson to the world, or, perhaps, a humiliating one of human frailty or inconsistency. At best, they are prone to steal away from the bustle and commonplace of busy existence; to indulge in the selfishness of lettered eas; and to revel in scenes of mental, but exclusive enjoyment. Mr. Roscoe, on the contrary, has claimed none of the accorded privileges of talent.

Calvin, speaking of our liberty in things indifferent, saith, We may eas nunc usurpare nunc omittere indifferenter, and places this liberty, tam in abstinendo quam in utendo. It is marked of the rites of the ancient church, that liberae fuerunt horum rituum observationes in ecclesia. Not touching, not tasting, not handling, are in themselves indifferent.

"I ain' losin' one ner 'tothah, but I do' see no ha'm in gwine ovah to de wes' plantation." "You do' see no ha'm in gwine ovah to de wes' plantation! You stan' hyeah in sight o' Gawd an' say dat?" "Don't git so 'cited, sis' Lize, you mus' membah dat dey's souls on de wes' plantation, jes' same as dey is on de eas'." "Yes, an' dey's souls in hell, too," the old woman fired back.

Elsie clapped her hands with delight, and a strange man's voice shouted "Bravo!" at the sound of which Lady Eleanor started and coloured for a moment. "'Tis surely his lordship from Fitzdenys Court," said Mrs. Fry, who had lowered her apron a little. "'Eas, 'tis.