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Updated: August 1, 2024

I'm a director and vice president of this infernal bank and I don't know I'm alive! Man, man, I want it a thing a what-you-may-call-'em a Oh, the devil! Why do I deposit in this dratted bank? Eureka! I have it! I want a notice." "You mean an advice, Mr. Ricks." "Bully boy! An advice. That's it. Holy mackerel, how I love a man that's fast on his feet!

Mrs Gamp was so warm now, that she threw off the watchman's coat, and fanned herself. 'It seemed to make the wery bottles ring, she said. 'What could I have been a-dreaming of? That dratted Chuffey, I'll be bound. The supposition was probable enough. At any rate, a pinch of snuff, and the song of the steaming kettle, quite restored the tone of Mrs Gamp's nerves, which were none of the weakest.

But pieces of the ceiling were droppin' all over and no matter where I got to, they hit me. So I dove under the bed " "Oh! you poor, dear Auntie!" "If the dratted ceilin's all comin' down, this ain't no place for us to stay," quoth Aunt Sarah. "I am sure it is all over," urged Ruth. "But if you'd like to go to another room ?"

"Very well," Tish replied, "we can stay here, I dare say. Bill's busy at something I've set him to doing." "Whose fault is it," I demanded, "that we are here in 'Greenland's Icy Mountains'? Not mine. Id never heard of the dratted place. And those horses are five miles away by now, most likely." "Go and get a cup of tea. You'll have a little sense then," said Tish, not unkindly.

I hoped they was going to say he could have one or two of the chains took off, because they was rotten heavy, or could have meat and greens with his bread and water; but they didn't think of it, and I reckoned it warn't best for me to mix in, but I judged I'd get the doctor's yarn to Aunt Sally somehow or other as soon as I'd got through the breakers that was laying just ahead of me explanations, I mean, of how I forgot to mention about Sid being shot when I was telling how him and me put in that dratted night paddling around hunting the runaway nigger.

"John, there's not a bit of use trying to deceive me. What is it you are trying to conceal from me?" "Who? Me? Oh, no," I lied elaborately, looking around to see if that dratted ghost was concealed enough. She was so big, and I'm rather a smallish man. But that was a bad move on my part. "John," Lavinia demanded like a ward boss, "you are hiding somebody in here! Who is it?"

"Of all the miserable inventions," groaned Miss Metoaca, glancing with indignation at the ankle-deep mud that lay between her and the car track. "Why don't they fix it so it can come over here and take in its passengers? What does anyone want with a stationary track way off yonder? Nancy, keep that dratted dog from under my skirts," indignantly, as her hoop tilted at a dangerous angle.

I have heerd of your shootin'. I give in; you kin beat me. For God's sake, do not risk it; as you care for her, do not!" "There is no risk. I will show you." "No, no! If you must, then, let me! I will hold it. Oh, let me!" stammered the hunter, in tones of entreaty. "Hollo, Billee! What's the dratted rumpus?" cried Rube, coming up. "Hang it, man! let's see the shot. I've heern o' it afore.

A good deal of beer was drunk on the occasion, and the quintain was "dratted" and "bothered," and very generally anathematized by all the mothers who had young sons likely to be placed in similar jeopardy. But the affair of Mrs. Lookaloft was of a more serious nature.

"Because that loafer M'Ginnis was hanging around for him all the evenin'. Even had the dratted imperence to come in here an' ask me where he was." "And what did you tell him?" "Tell him?" she repeated. "What did I not tell him!" Her voice was gentle, but what words could convey all the quivering ferocity of her elbows! "Mr.

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