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Updated: August 8, 2024

The girl's head was aching so that it seemed it would split, and she closed her eyes. But the boy would not be denied. "You lied, sis," he exclaimed vehemently, though his face and eyes were quite calm. "Will did that, 'cause you wouldn't give him thirty dollars. I see him throw you 'crost the room. I hate him." Eve was wide-eyed now. "You saw him?" she cried in alarm. Then she paused.

"She's gwine have de room 'crost from Miss Liz, an' fresh boo-kays eve'y day. We'se comin' over 'foh long, too; fer de doctor say he ain' gwine take no moh skin offen her." Then suddenly she exclaimed: "What, in de land sake, is de matter wid you-all's pants?" But he had turned, and in deep thought started across the grass to the big house, leaving her in open-mouthed amazement.

Whats thy misfortune? Bel. Alas, my mother has crost her in her affection as she did us. Bon. She shall Crosse ours no more. Belisia, if youle Be ruld by me you shall away with me; None but you sister shall be privy to it, And sheele keepe Councell. Bel. Ile goe any whither To enjoy thy presence; theres no heaven without it. Bon.

For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place The floods may bear me far, I hope to see my Pilot face to face When I have crost the bar. Am I starting the sail-craft of poets in line?

Come to think of it, there never was more than one Mountain Flower to a town. One day Old Mizzou brought him a blue-print map. "This y'ar map," said he, spreading it out under his stubby fingers, "shows the deestrict. I gets it of Fay, so you gains an idee of th' lay of the land a whole lot. Them claims marked with a crost belongs to th' Company. You kin take her and explore."

E'en in sleep, pangs felt before, Treasur'd long in memory's store, Bring in visions back their pain, Melt into the heart again. By it crost affections taught Chastened will and sobered thought. AESCHYLUS. Anstice Arthur did not succeed in eluding Lady Elizabeth. She called the day after the funeral, begging especially to see Mrs. Martindale.

An' you got that way o' swingin' an' dancin' an' high-steppin' right out in God A'mighty's big woods, a teeterin' in the wind, an' a dartin' 'crost the water. Cage never touched you! But you are somebody's pet jest the same. An' I look like the man, an' you are tryin' to tell me so, by gum!"

Dabbs say, "Come he'p move dese boxes here in de nex' room." Walter walked in lak a Nigger will when you ask 'im to do somethin', an' Mr. Dabbs turnt de key. "Git 'crost dat goods box," he say. "I'll give you what I promised you." Mr. Dabbs got 'im a piece o' plank an' burnt Walter up. "All dis here were a-goin' on 'bout de time Niggers were a-votin' an' doin' things 'roun' white folks.

Leastwise our chaps would; there's no counting for what soldiers might do, though. I shouldn't say as they'd let their selves drown without a squeak. That there's a tiger swimming 'crost the river, that's what that is." "Get out," exclaimed the middy; "just as if a great cat would take to the water. Hist! I say, Doctor Bolter!" "Yes," was whispered back from the next boat. "Would tigers swim?"

I come to town for to take in the dance, an' I'm a-goin' to. Besides it's a good chanct to do a little 'lectioneerin'." Once more Bat shrugged, and turning away, began to untie his horse. "Four Ace Johnson, over 'crost de riv', she dipity sher'ff, too. A'm hear she goin' run for de beeg sher'ff, nex' fall. A'm gon' over an' see if she no lak' to go 'long an' mak' de arres' if som'ting happen.

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