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He had spent the first weeks of his long vacation in Switzerland, in order to bring the date of his visit to the Youle Valley as near as possible to the date of Peter's coming of age; but, also, he had been very much overworked, and felt an absolute want of rest and change before entering upon the struggle which he supposed might await him, and for which he would probably need all the good humour and good sense he possessed.

I desire This for my past love, that youle retaine Your wrong opinion to yourselfe, not labour To possesse others with it, to disgrace Our yet unspotted family. Bon. If you want A partner in your greife, take me along That can teach you and all the world true Sorrow. Bel.

Well, Companion, at my friends Intreatie I am content to be reconsyld; but have a care, goe to, ha, oh ho, youle ... more; why, goe to then ... pledge the companion ... heeres to thee: what, what! Thu. Heres one perchance will satisfie me. Sir, your habit speaks yer understanding: Please you resolve me one thing which disturbes The quiet of my conscience. Lov.

I would Be loth to offend your eyes; when we last met You chargd me never to behold you more. Cla. I did indeed, but on mature advice I have reclaimd that imposition. You shall behold me dayly, talke with me, Doe all the acts that love with Innocence Can suffer, if youle but overrule your will To graunt me one request. Thu. Cla.

He cast no envious glances at his neighbour's property. The Youle was a boundary which none could dispute, and which could only be conveniently crossed by the ferry, for the nearest bridge was seven miles distant, at Brawnton, the old post-town.

Sarah Hewel's adoration for Lady Mary dated from the days when she had been ferried over the Youle with her nurse, to play with Peter, in his chubby childhood. Peter had often been cross and always tyrannical, but it was so wonderful to find a playmate who was naughtier than herself, that Sarah had secretly admired Peter.

But just picture to yourself for a moment, man, what her life has been." He stopped and drew breath, and strove to speak calmly and dispassionately. "I was born in the valley of the Youle," he said. "My people live in a cottage they call it a house, but it's just a farm on the river, Cullacott. I was a raw medical student when she came here as a child. Her father was killed in the Afghan War.

Efforts towards communication and exploration, it is true, had begun as early as 1857, when Simon Dawson made surveys for a road from Fort William and Professor Henry Youle Hind undertook his famous journey to the plains for scientific and general observation. A number of adventurous Canadians had gone out to settle on the plains.

Where? Sis. Behind that tree? Cou. You have no plott to accuse me for a rape? Twas at the worst but felony, for cherries That look'd as they had been a fortnight gather'd. Sis. I know youle bring me home in Curtesie. Cou. Not I, I wo' not trust my selfe; and you Will hardly meet a worse to interrupt you. Fare you well, Ladie. Do you see that Bull? Sis. Yes, Sir. Cou. That is a happie beast Sis.

"Don't you think it would be better," said Lady Mary, slowly, "if you left Peter to find out his wife's faults for himself; whether she be Sarah or another?" Torrents of falling rain obscured the valley of the Youle. The grey clouds floated below the ridges of the hills, and wreathed the tree-tops.