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Updated: August 25, 2024

The spool was swung back, the kitten began again hitting at it, solemnly the professor counted to twenty, and whisked the spool away. "Twenty year. Correc'. "You see, ladees and gentlemans, ze venerable cat he cannot make mistake," he observed amid laughing applause. "Now Tom, tell some odder ting. How old is ze chairman?" indicating the dignified elderly man at the farther end of the platform.

Cortlandt queried, incredulously. "God!" "That's the fellow yonder." Kirk pointed to Alfarez, whose smile had disappeared. "Oh, the man is mistake'," the latter hastened to aver. "He is crazee." "I gave you a wetting in public, and " "Si, si! That is correc', Senor Cortlan'. He insolt my person an' fight my soldiers. He is ver' toff person." "Did you know he had been maltreated in prison?"

That'll keep you from thinkin' too hard, and we're like to be busy." "Then you're takin' me prisoner?" queried Sundown. "That's correc'." "How about the law of that?" "This outfit's makin' its own laws these days," said Loring. And so far as Loring was concerned that ended the argument. Not so, however, with Sundown. He said nothing.

"That's correc'," concurred Sundown. "Now, take Gentle Annie, for instance " "You mean Mrs. er Sundown?" "Nope! Me tame cow. 'Annie' is American for 'Anita, so I called her that. Now, that there Gentle Annie's just a regular cow. She ain't purty but she sure gives plenty milk. Neeter got me to seein' that Gentle Annie's eyes was purty and mournful-like and that she was a right handsome cow.

"Well, 'anyhow' is correc'. And, say, you want to see him first and tell him it's you. Your hoss is tied over there. Sinker fetched him in." "Hoss? Oh, yes, hoss! My hoss! Uhuh!" With this somewhat ambiguous string of ejaculations Sundown limped toward the pony. He turned when halfway there and called to Wingle.

It was thrilling to him, therefore, to watch Défago turn over the canoe upon the shore, pack the paddles carefully underneath, and then proceed to "blaze" the spruce stems for some distance on either side of an almost invisible trail, with the careless remark thrown in, "Say, Simpson, if anything happens to me, you'll find the canoe all correc' by these marks; then strike doo west into the sun to hit the home camp agin, see?"

"Now I reckon we better hold 'em in a little," said Cheyenne after they had gone, perhaps, a half-mile. "We got a good start." They slowed the horses to a trot. Filaree kept close to Joshua's flank. A gust of warm air struck their faces. "Ain't got time to shake hands, pardner," said Cheyenne. "Know where you're goin'?" "South," said Bartley. "Correc'. And I don't hear no hosses behind us."

And, at the same time, speakin' kind of orthodoxical, money and clothes has a whole lot to do with makin' a man. I just got hep to that idea recent. "Speakin' of clothes leads me to remark that I got a new outfit up at the bunk-house. It's a automobilein' outfit. Billy says it's the correc' thing. He helped me pick it out. Which leads Billy into this here thing, too.

"Well, you will some day," asserted Sundown, taking him literally. "'T ain't gettin' married what makes a man, but it's a dum' poor one what don't make the best of things if he is hitched up to a good girl. Only one thing it sure don't give a fella time to write much po'try." Corliss did not smile. "You're living the poetry," he said with simple sincerity. "Which is correc', Billy.

"Mr. Leggett, befo' I comes to dat finality, I owes it to myseff an' likewise to my pa'ents to git yo' respondence to, anyhow, one question, an' ef you de man o' poweh you say you is, y' ought to be highly fitt'n' to give de correc' reply." "Espoun' your question, miss! Espoun' yo' question!" "Well, seh, de question is dis: Why is de ? No, dat ain't it. Lemme see.

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