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'Mevvies it kenned she was the Priest's wife, suggested my companion. Then with a grin, 'Noo, as thoo's his nephew thoo gan and see if it will chivvy thoo, and, if it does, Aa'l bet thoo thoo'll run from it faster than thoo's ever run i' your life afore. I turned away with a laugh, saying I was going to look about for the dog's tracks.

Thin th' Major turned his attintion to his own frinds, an' made three twos in succession. Th' Colonel was not so forch'nate. He caught Major Bullseye an' Captain Wiggins, but Gin'ral Rangefinder was safe behind a barber's pole an' Colonel Chivvy fluttered out iv range. Thus th' scoor was tin to six at th' conclusion iv th' day's spoort in favor iv Major Lyddite.

To skedivvy was to chivvy and skedaddle its authority not difficult to guess. 'Good-bye, Cousinenry, each gasped, as his big arms went round them and squeezed out the exclamation. 'Oh, thank you most awfully, came next, with another kiss, produced by his pressing something hard and round and yellow into each dirty little hand.

"One of the people who keep India safe for you bagmen," replied the Colonel, who was a trifle indignant on behalf of the insulted Subedar Major Mir Daoud Khan Mir Hafiz Ullah Khan of the 99th Baluch Light Infantry. "No doubt he thought I was another officer," reflected Horace. "They think you're a gent, if you chivvy 'em." At Umbalpur Colonel Wilberforce Wriothesley left the train and Mr.

Waller uttered a low hiss, and hurried on in silence till they stood together among the nut stubs overshadowed by the spreading oaks, when he stopped short and faced round. "You say you know that I shall never chivvy you out of the woods, Bunny; but you know wrong, for I should like to do it now." "Get out, lad! Not you! Why?"

Rowan is given by Pott as equivalent to the Latin ululatus, which constituted a very respectable row as regards mere noise. "Rowdy" comes from "row" and both are very good Gipsy in their origin. In Hindustani Rao mut is "don't cry!" CHIVVY is a common English vulgar word, meaning to goad, drive, vex, hunt, or throw as it were here and there.

She bagged it... collared it... took it away from me, you know, and wouldn't give it back and generally started to rot about a bit, so I rather began to chivvy her to some extent, and I'd just caught her when your brother happened to roll in.

Surroundin' him was Major Bullseye, a well-known lawyer, cattle-raiser an' journalist iv Athens, Bulger County, whose desthruction iv Captain Cassius Glaucus Wiggins at th' meetin' iv' th' thrustees in th' Sicond Baptist Church excited so much comment among spoortin' men three or four years ago, Gin'ral Rangefinder iv Thebes, Colonel Chivvy iv Sparta, who whittled Major Lycurgus Gam iv Thermopylae down to th' wishbone at th' anti-polygamist meetin' las' June, an' other well-known gintlemen."

I wouldn't try to do t'other, because you might get hurt, and I shouldn't like to hurt you, Master Waller, because you have been a good friend to me, and I like you, lad, and I'm waiting to see you grow up into being the finest gentleman in these parts. You won't never want to chivvy me out of the woods, I know."

Many of the farmers' Dogs had learned the lesson: "A grayish Rabbit you may catch, but a very black-and-white one is hopeless." They might, indeed, follow for a time, but that was merely for the fun of a chivvy, and his growing power often led Warhorse to seek the chase for the sake of a little excitement, and to take hazards that others less gifted were most careful to avoid.