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I told her that the death of Niobe's children wuz caused by envy and jealousy, which duz just such things to-day as fur as they dast all the way from New York to Jonesville, and so on through the surroundin' world.

But Brother-in-law Ferdie, with that doubleply slate roof of his, needs watchin' close. He has a nutty idea that he ought to be sociable, and he no sooner spots Mr. Robert and Miss Elsa Hampton, chattin' cozy in a garden nook, than he's prompted to kick in and explain to 'em all about the Latin names of the surroundin' vines and shrubbery. Which brings out business of distress from Marjorie.

"Um!... Lived here quite a spell, hain't you, Marvin? Quite a spell?" "Born here, Scattergood." "Know lots of folks, don't ye? Got acquainted consid'able in town and the surroundin' country?" "A feller 'u'd be apt to in fifty-five year." "Call to mind the Meggses that used to live here?" "Place next to the Newton farm. Recollect 'em well." "Lived next to Ol' Man Newton, eh? Forgot that."

Them same smiles, only more warm and persuadin' like, coaxed the sweet sap up into the bare maple tops in Josiah's sugar bush and the surroundin' world, till them same sunny smiles wuz packed away in depths of sugar loaves and golden syrup in our store room.

In the intervals of silence Josiah sot and made comments to me on the surroundin' seen, that alas made me know his mind wuzn't riz up on such hites as mine wuz. He commented on the looks of the men around him, and cast the idee in my face that there wuzn't any on 'em so good lookin' as he wuz, or nigh so distinguished in their means.

It seems he started this morning in great state, with two nice men belonging to the law in the carriage with him, to see that he should want for nothing, and a party of cavalry surroundin' his honor's coach, as if he was one of the judges, or the Lord Lieutenant."

The face surroundin' it was stretched wide and welcome, and the minute this here new-comer reco'nized me, he drawed back his upper lip and pointed proudly to his ornament, then he dug up his lookin'-glass and his polishin'-rag and begun to dust it off. It was plain to be seen that he thought more of it than his right eye. And it impressed the other Injuns, too; they crowded up and studied it.

For a second I was fairly blinded and stunned, but I had the cork out of that oil-can in no time, and very soon you'd scarcely believe it if I told you how soon I had another placid mill-pond surroundin' of me.

I bet lots of swelterin' folks jest envied 'em. Surroundin' this rotunda, under a glass ruff, runs two lines of aquarums, separated by a wide gallery more'n fifty of 'em in all. In the fresh water wuz all kinds of fishes from all parts of the country, and the world. Salmons, muskalunges, the great Mississippi cat-fish, alligators, trout, white-fish, sun-fishes, etc., and etcetry.

But I had little time to enjoy even sithin', for oh! the crowd that wuz a pressin' onto us and surroundin' us on every side, some on 'em curius and strange lookin', some on 'em beautiful and grand. Pretty young girls lookin' sweet enough to kiss, and right behind 'em a Chinese man with a long dress, and wooden shoes, and his hair in a long braid behind, and his eyes sot in sideways.