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If we make the container 7-1/16 inches square inside, in plan, every inch it rises will represent approximately 50 cubic inches of air blown in; and a height of 7 inches, by allowing for 325 cubic inches, with a minimum immersion of half an inch, should suffice even for unusually capacious lungs. The outside box need not be more than 8 inches all ways.

I will ask him," Lionel said; and again he bade her good-night, and took his leave. Octavius Quirk, Lionel at once made his way to him. He found him with a capacious plate of lobster-salad before him, and by the side of that was a large bottle of champagne. "Going to sit down?" Quirk asked but with no great cordiality; it was for one person, not for two, that he had secured that bottle.

Half promising what she wholly desired, Sylvia put on Phebe's second best blue gingham gown for the preservation of which she added a white apron, and completing the whole with a pair of capacious shoes, went down to find her party and reveal the state of affairs. They were bestowed in the prim, best parlor, and greeted her with a peal of laughter, for all were en costume.

"Well, all I can say is this that if I don't get on by shamming cleverness, I'll try what open honesty will do, and follow Bill Whalley's advice." "Bill Whalley! who is he?" asked Bristles with a sneer. "Son of the old Tom Noddy you make such a precious fool of." "Mr Whalley of the Boro' is our friend, Mr Sidsby a man of the profoundest judgment and most capacious understanding.

I've lost my specs I've got no swell clothes I can't go in the Stunner tartan, added he, eyeing his backgammon-board-looking chest, and diving his hands into the capacious pockets of his shooting-jacket. 'I'll manage all that, replied his lordship; 'I've got a pair of splendid silver-mounted spectacles in the Indian cabinet in the drawing-room, that I've kept to be married in.

"Now, I have here," he said, exploring the capacious pockets of his overcoat, "a work entitled 'A Quarter of a Century in Congress, by the Honourable Lucius J. Howell, which, gentlemen, is issued upon subscription only, in half morocco or crushed levant at a hitherto unheard-of price." Abe ceased mopping his brow and turned a terrible glare upon the book canvasser. "What!" he roared.

He was above such petty matters. He could read the meaning in the heart, could see deeply into the characters of the two who were his companions, and, seeing so clearly, the big fellow seated on the floor merely stared back at Jules and Henri and grinned a huge, capacious grin, which took them both in in the semi-darkness, which almost aggravated them, and which finally set them both laughing.

Persons report that near this spot is a spacious harbour, or lagune, sufficiently capacious to contain four or five hundred sail of the line; but, unfortunately, the entrance is obstructed by some rocks, which, however, it is added, might easily be blown up. The lagune is also exposed to winds direct for the ocean.

"The story is long," the Hebrew explained mildly, "and the sun is ardent. There are friends in yonder house. Let us ask the shelter of their roof for an hour." Gathering his robes about him with peculiar grace, he went through the grass toward a low, capacious tent, pitched by a trickling branch of the great canal. Seti followed moodily.

"I am armed, and am fully prepared to help protect my patient." "Armed?" the detective asked, sharply. For answer, Doctor Alwyn drew from his capacious coat pocket a huge, old-fashioned pistol, and held it out to Blaine. The latter took it from him without ceremony. "A grave mistake, Doctor. I am glad you told me, in time.