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Updated: August 5, 2024

"Hee's not fonny dat she bre'ks t'rough," he said. "I 'ave see dem bre'k t'rough two, t'ree tam in de day, but nevaire dat she get drown! W'en dose dam-fool can't t'ink wit' hees haid sacre Dieu! eet is so easy, to chok' dat cheval she make me cry wit' de eye!" "I suppose it was a good deal my fault," commented Radway, doubtfully shaking his head, after Laveque had left the office.

Tall, sah, an' straight as a cornstalk; hair white an' silky as de tassel; an' a voice like de birds was singin', it was dat sweet. "'Chad, he use' ter say, you know I was young den, an' I was his body servant, 'Chad, come yer till I bre'k yo' head; an' den when I come he'd laugh fit to kill hisself. Dat's when you do right.

The man's eyes glinted wickedly. "Risk? What risk?" asked the girl. Again the man eyed her shrewdly and laughed. "Das plent' reesk on de reevaire. De scow me'be so, she heet de rock in de rapids bre'k all to hell Voil

He challenged Marse Chan to fight a duil, an' Marse Chan he excepted de challenge, an' dey wuz gwine fight; but some on 'em tole 'im Marse Chan wan' gwine mek a present o' him to his fam'ly, an' he got somebody to bre'k up de duil; 'twan' nuthin' dough, but he wuz 'fred to fight Marse Chan. An' purty soon he lef' de comp'ny.

"Nonsense," said Burrell. "I know you too well for that." "You know me for good man, eh? An' you know I ain' try for bre'k up oder fellers' biznesse, never! Wal, I'm come to you now lak' wan good man to 'noder biccause I'm got bad trouble on de min', an' you mus'n't get sore." "There's no danger, Poleon. Let's have it. If there is anything I can do, you may count on me."

Johanna reappeared in the door with a scared face; Barbara burst into loud weeping, and her nurse bore her away crying and bending toward her mother, while from the veranda the wail poured in. "Oh! Oh! don't resh me back like that! Oh! Oh! my Gawd! Oh! you'll bre'k de balusters! Oh! my Gawd-A'mighty, my back; Mahse John Wesley, you a-breakin' my back!

He challenged Marse Chan to fight a duil, an' Marse Chan he excepted de challenge, an' dey wuz gwine fight; but some on 'em tole 'im Marse Chan wan' gwine mek a present o' him to his fam'ly, an' he got somebody to bre'k up de duil; 'twan' nuthin' dough, but he wuz 'fred to fight Marse Chan. An' purty soon he lef' de comp'ny.

"Have you a canoe?" he inquired. The other looked at him in surprise. "Canoe, she no good!" he grunted. "Too mooch ice. Bre'k all to hell in one minute!" With an exclamation he leaped to his feet. "By gar! De flat boat!" he cried triumphantly. "She is all build for tak' de fur. De riv', she run ver' swift. In de morning you go in de evening you come on de camp!"

Said it would 'a' burnt 'er fingers. 'More fool yow, says I; 'it'd 'a' soon gotten cowd weather like this'n. But Jin's all rate. Er'll never bre'k 'er arm at church door, wunna Jin." I explained to Mistress Waynflete that a woman who broke her arm at the church door was a housewifely maiden who became a slatternly housewife after marriage.

"Better you bor' some pants for ride de horse. Me, A'm gon' git nudder saddle. 'Fore you ride little ways you bre'k you back." "Go over to the livery barn an' tell Ross to put my reg'lar saddle on in place of the side-saddle, an' when you come back she'll be ready."

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