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"Ah, don't bodder me! Good Gawd!" he said, with the savageness of a man whose life is pestered. The woman followed him along the sidewalk in somewhat the manner of a suppliant. "But, Jimmie," she said, "yehs told me ye'd " Jimmie turned upon her fiercely as if resolved to make a last stand for comfort and peace. "Say, fer Gawd's sake, Hattie, don' foller me from one end of deh city teh deh odder.

This gave me a good opportunity to titillate both sides of his neck, and he sprang round again. "Bodder!" I heard him mutter; but I persevered, making the twig play well about him. "Bodder de fly!" he cried, viciously; but the twig tickled away, and Pomp's eyes were so tightly closed that he contented himself with twisting and rubbing himself.

I'd hev to be as poor as a kirk louse afore I'd turn my back on a motherless lad as is nigh to death's door." "Don't say that, father," whimpered Liza. "Nay, Mattha, nay, man," cried 'Becca, "it's nought of that. It's my life that's in danger." "Shaf! that 'at is nowt is nivver in danger. Whear's the plague as wad think it worth while to bodder wid a skinflint like thee?

She released her clasp upon his arm, her eyes drooping behind their long lashes, the merry laughter fading from her lips. "Dat vas not von bit nice of you, señor. Vy you ever keep bodder me so, ven I good to you? No, I tol' you not ask me dat so quick soon again. Did I not do dis? I tol' you den I know not; I meet you only de twice how I lofe ven I meet you only de twice?"

Oh, I got 'em in good shape doncher bodder about me." "Ahem," said Mr. O'Meagher thoughtfully, as he cracked his finger-joints and puffed on his cigar. "You've done well, Tuff, excellent. Ah, Tuff, there's going to be a meeting in the Cooper Union to-morrow night. The people that are getting it up er, well, I'm afraid they're not very friendly to me, Tuff. The doors open at seven.

But dey didn't bodder nobody ner tech nuthin', en bimeby dey put out. Well, de Yankees, dey kep' passin' all de mawnin' en it look like ter me dey wuz a string un um ten mile long. Den dey commence gittin' thinner en thinner, en den atter w'ile we hear skummishin' in de naberhood er Armer's fe'y, en Ole Miss 'low how dat wuz Wheeler's men makin' persoot.

Bodder began a prayer he had come in a moment before; they could not find him at first and then, and then your dear father moved a little and raised his hand, and the minister stayed; and he was looking up as if he saw something; and then he said once, 'Jesus' clear and loud; and, and that was all, dear child."

"Jim," said he, "I don't want to bodder ye, but ye've jist been fooled. Don't ye see that divil a place 'ave ye got for the pig?" "Pig!" exclaimed Jim, with contempt. "D'ye s'pose I build a house for a pig? I ain't no pig, an' she ain't no pig."

Ain't I seen nothin'? Ain't I felt nothin'? Ain't I spectated when the ha'r on Jezebel's back haz riz straight up an' when she's hunched her back up an' spit when mos' folks wouldn't of saw nothin' a-tall? Sho', she's ha'nted; mos' ships is. But dem ha'nts ain' goin' bodder me so long's I don't bodder dem. Dat's gospel, Cap'n Jim; sho' gospel."

It was to Jean the boss called my second morning, very loud so all could hear: “If you find anything wrong mit a dress, don't look at it, don't bodder wid itjus' t'row it in dere faces and made dem do it over again!