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Yet she could not raise her head for shame. She heard a broken sentence, apologies, conventions of the employee and one unrestrained snicker from a bell-boy. "I've been nervous as the devil all evening," Anthony was saying; "somehow that noise just shook me I was only about half awake." "Sure, I understand," said the night clerk with comfortable tact; "been that way myself."

Doctor, look out for him." "Send up some paper from the office, will you?" murmured the Freshman wearily. "I I think I want to write to my mother." Ten minutes later the bell-boy brought the paper and a Bible. Dr. Mead arranged the bedclothes with a practised hand, then he sent out for medicine and chatted affably until the stuff arrived.

"Then I am requested by Dr. Bentley to guide you to a camping place inside the Terraces' grounds," replied the bell-boy. "Dr. Bentley has arranged it with the manager." This was a surprise, indeed, but Dick & Co. followed their guide, who turned in through a gate at some distance from the handsome summer hotel.

And I found him shootin' craps with the bell-boy this mornin'. The boy thinks Billy, bein' from the West, is a stage robber, or somethin' like he reads about in the Cap' Collier libr'ies, and follows him around every chance he gets. And Billy laps up too many of them little striped drinks; and them French-cooked dishes ain't so good fur him, either. He caught on to the bill-of-fare right away.

The men with whom he returned were such characters as the press would designate as "old wheel-horses" or "pillars of the party." They all adjourned to the bar, where they had something at their host's expense. Then they repaired to his room, whence for the ensuing two hours the bell and the bell-boy were kept briskly going. The gentleman from Alabama was in his glory.

Oh, boys, don't be sentimental. it's bad for the digestion! Take a tonic, follow me! Oh, your tubs in your boats, my boys, And by your braces stand, And we'll have one of those fine whales, Hand, boys, over hand! So, be cheery, my lads! may your hearts never fail! While the bold harpooneer is striking the whale! Eight bells there, forward! Avast the chorus! Eight bells there! d'ye hear, bell-boy?

Ah! here comes the music; now for it! Now, boys! Bang it, bell-boy! Rig it, dig it, stig it, quig it, bell-boy! Make fire-flies; break the jinglers! PIP. Jinglers, you say? there goes another, dropped off; I pound it so. CHINA SAILOR. Rattle thy teeth, then, and pound away; make a pagoda of thyself. FRENCH SAILOR. Merry-mad! Hold up thy hoop, Pip, till I jump through it!

Ripley's remark had been loud enough to attract the attention of nearly every person in the big room toward Dick and Dave. Laura Bentley bit her lips. She flushed, then started to rise, but Susie Sharp gently pushed her back into her seat, then crossed to an electric button in the frame of a window. A bell-boy promptly answered Susie's ring.

It was only one of Mother Goose's old melodies, but she sang it as a bird sings, for sheer gladness: "Gay go up and gay go down, To ring the bells of London town." The New York letter reached the hotel while Eugenia was out in the park with her maid, and the bell-boy brought it to her on a salver with several others, as she was stepping into the elevator to go up to her room.

Then came a rap at his door, and the bell-boy said: 'There is a gentleman here wishes to speak to you. 'Ask him to come up, was the answer; and two minutes later Von Brent entered. 'Any news? he asked. John, who was in a state of mind which made him suspicious of everything and everybody, answered: 'No, nothing new. 'Ah, I am sorry for that.