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So I will lend you the money and charge you no interest. But, just for fun, you shall sign a bond in which it shall be agreed that if you do not repay me in three months' time, then I shall have the right to a pound of your flesh, to be cut from what part of your body I choose." "No," cried Bassanio to his friend, "you shall run no such risk for me."

Bassanio then told Portia what has been here related, of his borrowing the money of Anthonio, and of Anthonio's procuring it of Shylock the Jew, and of the bond by which Anthonio had engaged to forfeit a pound of flesh, if it was not repaid by a certain day; and then Bassanio read Anthonio's letter, the words of which were, "Sweet Bassanio, my ships are all lost, my bond to the Jew is forfeited, and since in paying it, it is impossible I should live, I could wish to see you at my death; notwithstanding use your pleasure; if your love for me do not persuade you to come, let not my letter."

Now, infidel, I have thee on the hip. PORTIA. Why doth the Jew pause? Take thy forfeiture. SHYLOCK. Give me my principal, and let me go. BASSANIO. I have it ready for thee; here it is. PORTIA. He hath refus'd it in the open court; He shall have merely justice, and his bond. GRATIANO. A Daniel, still say I; a second Daniel! I thank thee, Jew, for teaching me that word.

The day of payment being past, the cruel Jew would not accept of the money which Bassanio offered him, but insisted upon having a pound of Antonio's flesh. A day was appointed to try this shocking cause before the Duke of Venice, and Bassanio awaited in dreadful suspense the event of the trial.

"I have seen people come to papa for money, and they didn't do anything to him because he hadn't it." "No, but those were different times," said Daisy, "and Bassanio lived in a different country. His friend owed money to a dreadful man, who was going to cut out two pounds of his flesh to pay for it. So of course that would kill him." "Oh, look at Theresa now!" said Nora.

That Bassanio cannot give it is his wife's present and he has promised never to part with it. At that the lawyer pretends anger. "I see, sir," he says: "You are liberal in offers: You taught me first to beg; and now, methinks, You teach me how a beggar should be answered." Hardly have they parted than Bassanio repents his seemingly churlish action.

"Too bad, Preston!" said Mrs. Sandford, laughing. "What else are you going to be?" "I am going to be one of those fellows coming to murder the little princes." "Who is Bassanio?" "Hamilton says he will undertake that. George declines." "Suppose we do some work, instead of so much talking," said the former person; who had hitherto been a very quiet spectator and listener.

Portia could not be prevailed upon to accept the money; but upon Bassanio still pressing her to accept of some reward, she said: 'Give me your gloves; I will wear them for your sake'; and then Bassanio taking off his gloves, she espied the ring which she had given him upon his finger: now it was the ring the wily lady wanted to get from him to make a merry jest when she saw her Bassanio again, that made her ask him for his gloves; and she said, when she saw the ring, 'and for your love I will take this ring from you. Bassanio was sadly distressed that the counsellor should ask him for the only thing he could not part with, and he replied in great confusion, that he could not give him that ring, because it was his wife's gift, and he had vowed never to part with it; but that he would give him the most valuable ring in Venice, and find it out by proclamation.

I gave my lord Bassanio a ring, and I am sure he would not part with it for all the world." Gratiano, in excuse for his fault, now said, "My lord Bassanio gave his ring away to the counsellor, and then the boy, his clerk, that took some pains in writing, he begged my ring."

Come, let's go see this picture!" "Not you, Daisy," said Mrs. Sandford as the children were running off "I want you. Priscilla comes next." So Daisy had to stay and be dressed for Priscilla. She missed Portia and Bassanio. It was not much missed, for her little heart began to be beating with excitement; and she wished very much that Priscilla might be as much liked as Fortitude.