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As he leaned over the counter, scrutinising his visitors, Max thrust forward the golden scorpion held in the palm of his hand. "Hoi, hoi" chattered the Chinaman. "Fo-Hi fellers, eh? You hab got plenty much late. Other fellers Fo-Hi pidgin plenty much sooner. You one time catchee allee same bhobbery, b'long number one joss-pidgin man!"

Filer grinned and stepped up to the counter, eying the girl from under heavy, fierce eyebrows that looked as if the dust of a thousand trails had settled in them. Lucy lowered her dark lashes and looked demure. "B'long on the desert, girlie?" rumbled the deep voice of the old prospector. "Sure, Uncle." "Uh-huh. And how old might ye be, now?" "Nearly twenty-two." "Uh-huh pretty near twenty-two.

Supper was put on the table, and the two girls began to get a little acquainted, chattering over clothes and the arrangement of hair. "Do you know whether there is anything in Philadelphia called 'Christian Endeavor'?" asked Elizabeth after the supper-table was cleared off. "O, Chrishun'deavor! Yes, I used t' b'long," answered Lizzie.

The best folks hev axed her to differ'nt kinds of doin's. I cyan't say, Mr. Goree, that sech things suits me fur me, give me them thar." Garvey's huge, yellow-gloved hand flourished in the direction of the mountains. "That's whar I b'long, 'mongst the wild honey bees and the b'ars. But that ain't what I come fur to say, Mr. Goree. Thar's somethin' you got what me and Missis Garvey wants to buy."

"Yas, suh," said the old man, removing his battered hat respectfully the rest of his clothing was in keeping, a picturesque assortment of rags and patches such as only an old Negro can get together, or keep together "dis hyuh lot, suh, b'longs ter de fambly dat I useter b'long ter de ol' French fambly, suh, de fines' fambly in Beaver County." "Why, papa!" cried little Phil, "he means "

"And he fought for us, Mr Brown, like a brick," said Barkins. "Then we must take him aboard for the present." "Yes, go 'board, please," said Ching plaintively. "Not my sword b'long mandalin man." "Let's see where you're wounded," said the officer, as the men rowed steadily back towards the Teaser. "I I don't think I'm wounded," I panted, "but it hurts me rather to breathe."

You get velly lich I cook your glub. You go bloke, I cook alle same. Sominagot, I b'long go with you all time. You no got good luck I never want the money, you savvy? You go hell go anywhere I go same place that's all. You talkee big fool, that velly superstich." He looked at Van fiercely to disguise a great alarm, a fear that he might, after all, be dismissed in the break-up impending.

"He know many, many t'ings, but he 'fraid come tell you hisself." "I should think he would be," replied the captain, "and I wonder you are not afraid, too." "Oh, I is, I is," said Maka. "I's all w'ite inside. But somebody got speak boss 'fore he go 'way. If nobody speak, den you go 'way no boss. All crooked. Nobody b'long to anybody.

She had b'long' ter a gemman over on Rockfish, w'at died, en whose 'state ha' ter be sol' fer ter pay his debts. En Mars Dugal' had be'n ter de oction, en w'en he seed dis gal a-cryin' en gwine on 'bout bein' sol' erway fum her ole mammy, Aun' Mahaly, Mars Dugal' bid 'em bofe in, en fotch 'em ober ter our plantation.

"She'd outgrowed all she had, hadn't nothin', mind your own business, go 'long home, where you b'long." Maria understood the last words, and she replied, fiercely, "I am not going home one step until you promise me you'll get decent underwear for this child to wear to school," said she, "and that you won't allow her to go out-of-doors in this condition again. If you do, I'll have you arrested."