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"Are you one of the Kendrick negroes?" "No, sir; I don't b'long dar." "Who are you?" "I 'clar' ter goodness, I skeer'd ter tell you, Mars. George; kaze you mought fly up en git mad." The young man laughed with such genuine heartiness that it did the negro good to hear it.

"Dave wuz one er dese yer men w'at didn' keer much fer de gals, leastways he didn' tel Dilsey come ter de plantation. Dilsey wuz a monst'us peart, good-lookin', gingybread-colored gal, one er dese yer high-steppin' gals w'at hol's dey heads up, en won' stan' no foolishness fum no man. She had b'long' ter a gemman over on Rockfish, w'at died, en whose 'state ha' ter be sol' fer ter pay his debts.

Sequin she's done borrowed me fer a while." "When did he die?" "A year ago las' May." The man in the foreign cap pulled it further over his eyes and resumed his scrutiny of the road. "Al dis heah hill used to b'long to us," Uncle Jimpson continued; "long before de Sequinses ever wuz born. I spec' you've heard tell of Thornwood?" "Yes. Who lives there now?" "Nobody.

Mrs. Silver hooted. "Go way! That there young li'l Mista Dills, he ain' nev' did show no class, no way nor no time. He be hunderd year ole b'fo' you see him in autamobile whut b'long to him. Look at a way some nem fine big rich men like Mista Clairidge an' Mista Ridgways take an' th'ow they money aroun'! New necktie ev'y time you see 'em; new straw hat right spang the firs' warm day.

I owed nothing; so far as I knew, I had done nothing wrong. "Hi, fellow! come out of the way! Reverse your carcass a bit, old chap! Get ! What the who the ?" "Oh, master, he wantchee makee much bobbery. He no b'long my pidgin, d rogue! He wantchee catch one more hundred cash! He b'long one piecee chairman!" This to me from my boy in apologetic explanation.

I made some remark, I forget what, but he overbore me. Real things we want are Hate Hate and COARSE think'n. I b'long to the school of Mrs. F's Aunt " "What?" said some one, intent. "In 'Little Dorrit," explained Tarvrille; "go on!" "Hate a fool," said my assailant. Tarvrille glanced at me. I smiled to conceal the loss of my temper.

Pooty soon,'long comes sich a spruce young nigger a-sailin' down de room wid a yaller wench roun' de wais'; an' roun an' roun' an roun' dey went, enough to make a body drunk to look at 'em; an' when dey got abreas' o' me, dey went to kin' o' balancin' aroun' fust on one leg an' den on t'other, an' smilin' at my big red turban, an' makin' fun, an' I ups an' says 'GIT along wid you! rubbage! De young man's face kin' o' changed, all of a sudden, for 'bout a second, but den he went to smilin' ag'in, same as he was befo'. Well, 'bout dis time, in comes some niggers dat played music and b'long' to de ban', an' dey NEVER could git along widout puttin' on airs.

But good Lord, dose chilen don't b'long heah, dey's f'm Obedstown whah dey don't know nuffin, an' you knows, yo' own sef, dat dey ain't 'sponsible.

W'en Primus had be'n gone a mont' er so, Sally 'mence' fer ter git lonesome, en tuk up wid ernudder young man name' Dan, w'at b'long' on de same plantation. One day dis yer Dan tuk de noo mule out in de cotton-fiel' fer ter plough, en w'en dey wuz gwine 'long de tu'n-row, who sh'd he meet but dis yer Sally.