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"I know that, too, ma'am that is, if I'm not dreaming, as I said before," answered the bewildered old woman. "Aweel, noo, I canna get out to forestal this graund wickedness. The shamefu' villain took gude care to prevent that, but I can circumvent him, for a' that, gin ye will help me, Mrs. Brown. Will ye?"

Aweel, Rab was a just-living man for a country writer and he was less feared than maybe might just hae been expected; and he asked in the name o' goodness what the apparition wanted and the spirit answered in an unknown tongue. Then Rab said he tried him wi' Erse, for he cam in his youth frae the braes of Glenlivat but it wadna do.

"I need a new bannet," said Jock; "and I'm gaun owre to Abernethy for ane the morn's nicht but mind, Sandy, ye maunna tell Nell whar I am; and, if she happens to speer, ye can just say that I'm awa down to Auchtermuchty for a pickle snuff." "Aweel, aweel," said the other, "I can haud my tongue. But what need can there be for makin lees aboot it?

Or stay gudewife, could ye lend this gentleman the gudeman's galloway, and I'll send it ower the Waste in the morning wi' the callant? The galloway was turned out upon the fell, and was swear to catch. 'Aweel, aweel, there's nae help for't, but come up the morn at ony rate.

The man you ask for is in France; but if he was in my sporran," says he, "and your belly full of shillings, I would not hurt a hair upon his body." I saw I had gone the wrong way to work, and, without wasting time upon apologies, showed him the button lying in the hollow of my palm. "Aweel, aweel," said Neil; "and I think ye might have begun with that end of the stick, whatever!

"Aweel, can ye no say, or let me say for ye, gin ye be particular, that ye war a wee late oot at nicht seein' a bit lassie or ocht but the doctrine? It wasna anything concernin' the fundamentals o' the Marrow, Maister Ralph, though, surely," continued John Bairdieson, whose elect position did not prevent him from doing his best for the interests of his masters, young and old.

"I," "and I," "and I," answered many a ready voice. "Aweel, since sae it is, and I can only sleep in ae barn at ance, I'll gae down with Saunders Mucklebackit he has aye a soup o' something comfortable about his begging and, bairns, I'll maybe live to put ilka ane o' ye in mind some ither night that ye hae promised me quarters and my awmous;" and away he went with the fisherman.

"Well then, the thing that was so like him," said my gudesire; "he spoke of my coming back to see him this time twelvemonth, and it's a weight on my conscience." "Aweel then," said Sir John, "if you be so much distressed in mind, you may speak to our minister of the parish; he is a douce man, regards the honour of our family, and the mair that he may look for some patronage from me."

Weel, thinks I, there's nae place in this country they ca' Roman Gilead it will be some gate in the west muirlands; and or we win there I'll see to slip awa wi' this mither o' mine, for I winna rin my neck into a tether for ony Kettledrummle in the country side Aweel," continued Cuddie, relieving himself by detailing his misfortunes, without being scrupulous concerning the degree of attention which his companion bestowed on his narrative, "just as I was wearying for the tail of the preaching, cam word that the dragoons were upon us.

And this is what they ca' explaining the tane gies up a bit, and the tither gies up a bit, and a' friends again. Aweel, after the Commons' Parliament had tuggit, and rived, and rugged at Morris and his rubbery till they were tired o't, the Lords' Parliament they behoved to hae their spell o't.